Chapter Seven- Time for Fun and Surprises

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My alarm goes off and I stretch my legs out until I reach the cold half of my bed. I slap the alarm off and open the blinds. Yesterday was slighlty cloudy but today the sun hovers in the blue sky, alone. There is no wind as the small sapling trees in the front yard stand still. 

I prop open my window before walking into Becca's room. The sun shines onto her peaceful face. She hugs her blankie and her eyelids flutter slightly. I smile before walking into Tyler's room. He also sleeps soundly cuddled up in his many pillows and blankets. His long eyelashes cast a slight shadow under his eyes. 

I walk downstairs and decide to make some coffee. After struggling to find the coffee maker I finally plug it in. I decided last night it was time for Becca and Tyler to visit their mom again, now that she has waken from her coma. It was pretty early to visit, but I had plans for the day. I make hot cocoa for the kids and find their favorite thermis'. 

Becca's has black and pink stripes on it and Tyler's is blue and green camoflauge. 

I set the cocoa on the table and go to wake up the kids. I reach the top of the stairs when Becca runs up to me in tears. She hugs my waist and I pick her up. 

"Becca, whats wrong?" I ask wrapping her blankie around her warm body.

"Mawy" she says snuggling her head into my neck, "Mawy I dream you was gone bye bye. Mawy! Do not ever leave." Becca whimpers

"Becca I will never leave you." I say hugging her tighter and brushing away her tears.

"I know Mawy, but my dream scared me." she says hugging me back. 

I walk into Tyler's room and find him stretching sleepily. 

"Good morning Tyler." I say "Wanna go visit mommy today?" I ask setting Becca down who runs and jumps into Tyler's bed.

"Mommy!" Tyer and Becca yell together.

I get the kids ready by brushing teeth, hair and washing faces. I dress Becca in a soft yellow shirt with a sunflower on it matched with a brown frilly skirt. She twirls around like a ballerina before taking another sip of her cocoa. 

Tyler joins us downstairs wearing little boy jeans and a cute blue t-shirt. I strap Becca's favorite silver sandals on before watching Tyler tie his sneakers.

We arrive at the hospital and walk through the sliding doors. I hold Becca's hand and Tyler walks next to me. He shudders before grabbing my hand and holding it tightly. We walk into Ms. Stanley's room. The machines beep queitly in the background. 

Her face is pale and there are dark circles under her hazel eyes. She struggles to lift her head up as we walk into the room. 

"Momma?" Becca whispers looking at me.

"Yeah, she's over there." I say looking at the bed.

Tyler runs past us and sits on the foot of her bed. 

"Tyler. I missed you so much." Ms. Stanley whispers holding Tylers hand. Her hand is frail and almost transparent.

Tyler just smiles and fiddles with the sheets. Becca runs over and looks up to her mom. 

"Becca Baby!" Ms. Stanley breathes

"Momma Hey you!" Becca says 

I walk over, "Ms. Stanley-" Suddenly one of the machines next to Ms. Stanley's bed starts to beep loudly. Ms. Stanley looses consciousness and her head falls back on her pillow. The machine grows louder and Becca runs to hide behind my legs. Tyler stands up looking frightened as Ms. Stanley's body starts to seize and convulse. A doctor and nurse rush in as another machine beeps and flashes.

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