Chapter 6: The beginning!

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The training of the six children started immediately when they arrived, Aldaer attacked the children with Cresent blade, but Eli responded quickly and have managed to cast a protection spell, an invicible shield surrounded them all.

Eli: Father!!! what's the meaning of this?

Aldaer: *smirk*

Reid: That's not father Aldaer, sister..

Eli: What do you-

Eli saw his father Aldaer at their back, standing and arguing with their father Lucifer.

Lucifer: Now, now Aldaer calm down.

Aldaer: what calm down?! how could you use my identity for that abomination?!

Lucifer: This is a great way to train them, since they wouldn't expect that you couldn't attack them without warning.

Bahamut: Lucifer is right, i opened the portal, they were watching over us, except you.

Aldaer: It means..

Vlad: Precisely! they were expecting that we would test them immediately when we arrive here.

Eli: If that's not father Aldaer, who is that?

Reid: Something's weird with his blood flow, like it's not moving.

Luke: And his scent as well.

Virgil: becau-

Dante: it's dead!

Virgil: hey i was suppose to say that!

Dante: Too slow! He he he

Lucifer: Very good! Dante and Virgil, children! always remember this, you should always be alert at all times, and always know who you're up against to, that's very important when it comes to battle. So Dante, Virgil what type of demon was that?

Virgil: Dop-

Dante: Doppeldorky! (proud)

Lucifer: *face palm* wrong.

Dante: What?! im pretty sure im right!

Virgil: Moron! it's a doppelganger!

Dante: Yeah whatever!

Bahamut: Well children! welcome to my Kingdom!

The Children looked all over, and they didn't even notice that there were flying dragons across the skies, the children was amazed of the sight, and some of the dragons were fighting.

Max: Father... can i? (smiling)

Bahamut: Go ahead.

Max Transform into a white dragon, although it's a small dragon (a size of an elephant child) Max flew into the skies, breath fire while flying, then a huge brown dragon approach him, they both stopped, and they were roaring.

Luke: Looks like he's in trouble.

Eli: Father bahamut!!!

Aldaer: Bahamut do something!

Freed: What's the meaning of this Bahamut!

Bahamut: Don't worry, they're just talking.

Vlad: Sounds like they're arguing?

Bahamut: Ha Ha Ha! That brown dragon is welcoming Max.

Then Max dive from the skies and land in his human form.

Dante: Wow bro! that was awesome!

Virgil: You didn't tell us you can tansform into a dragon.

Luke: Yeah a puny dragon, He he he!

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