~ Two ~

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Chapter Two:

"Sky, Sky, Sky!" I felt a bouncing on my leg and "looked' down to where the bouncing was coming from. "Alena, I'm tired, go to your room." I rolled over and put the pillow over my head hoping that the joyous sleep I had finally found would come back. I wished it would pull me back into it's only depths.

But it wouldn't, not now. Probably not for another few days. "But it's your birthday! You're free!"  She squealed. I sat upright, realizing that she was right and climbed out of bed stumbling before regaining my balance. "Go get Celia and tell her she needs to choose my outfit for the day." I told Alena. I assumed she nodded because she skipped out the door right after. Most people forgot I was blind. Mainly because I moved around like I could see, I spoke like I could see, and I acted like I could see. I walked into my bathroom and grabbed my eye drops, plopping two in for each eye. 

According to Mathilde, they made my eyes less likely to get infected so that they wouldn't have to be removed. 

I could hear Celia's complaints as she was dragged from her slumber and into my bathroom, Alena probably holding her hand. 

Celia was schizophrenic. Always seeing, hearing things that weren't there. Her parents didn't want her and so they gave her to the home. I guess they didn't want to deal with her anymore. 

Celia was excellent with makeup and outfits, and I trusted her with my life so I knew she was actually choosing outfits that looked good, and not totally embarrassing me in front of people around the house. 

I heard rustling and something was laid on my lap. "Morning Celia," I said softly feeling the material to find that it was a shirt. She grumbled a "Morning" before going back into my closet. 

"We are going to make you look hot today!" Alena said in her small childish voice. I laughed at the maturity of her words, the things she had heard the older kids say. "Indeed we are." Celia spoke, sleep still holding onto the edges of her voice. She laid another article of clothing on my lap before explaining what it was. "A white skater-skirt, and a black halter top with a gold pyramid necklace and gold belt. Change while I find shoes to match. I heard her move away and waited for Alena to leave before changing. 

I felt the soft material of what I believe was the skirt and pulled it over the halter top. "I need help with the necklace and belt Celia. I can't tell where to put the hole in." 

Celia made a noise somewhat like laughter before coming in, adjusting my shirt and skirt, than putting the belt around my waist and the necklace around my neck. "Black sandals to match," she putting them in my hands before I sat down and put them on. 

"Makeup timeeee." She sang and I felt the familiar brush stroked of makeup being applied. "How'd you sleep?" I questioned, closing my eyelids so that Celia could do her magic on my eyes. "Like a baby. Except the stupid heater broke, that's why it was so cold." She hummed, and I could tell she was probably dancing. She began to apply mascara commanding me to open my eyelids. 

"It's always cold," I snorted, remembering how cold it got during the winter a couple years back. There was no reply and I shot Celia a 'really' look. Or what I hoped to be one. "I. Am. Nodding." She giggled as she applied my lipstick then blush. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed, probably smiling at her work. A faint yellow color danced around the area she was standing in and I smiled. 

She was happy

"You look beautiful!" She practically shouted, grabbing me by my elbows and pulling me upright. 

I hugged her gently while she squealed. "Now let's go tell Mathilde that we are going out. I'll drive you in my car." I nodded in agreement with her.

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