
You only had your eyes closed for a second, when you heard the sound of someone landing on the ground like they had dropped from somewhere high. Your eyes opened quickly and you got ready to protect yourself.

"Hey I-"

You spun around and punched wildly. You landed a few punches on the person and you quickly leapt back while holding your knuckles. It actually hurt to punch someone! From all those fanfictions you read, you didn't think it would. But I guess this one proved you wrong.



You and the person yelled at the same time. You finally looked at the person and became embarrassed. It was Robin, Gotham's own boy wonder.

"Robin?!" You yelled. You had just punched THE Robin? You must be a superhero.

"Yeah. And I'm guessing you are (Y/N)?"

"What? How did you know?"

Robin thought about saying that he was Robin (like Batman used to say he was Batman) but he thought against it and held his hand out.

"Well," he started, "you dropped your lunch card."

You took the card and saw your name on it.


There was an awkward pause.

"I'm sorry for punching you!"

"I better be going..."

You two talked at the same time again. He laughed.

"It's okay."

With that he smiled at you and disappeared into the shadows.

"Well bye!" You yelled at the spot he used to be.

You decided you would make it up to him. Next time you saw him, he would be receiving a gift.

Green lantern/Hal Jorden
You were drunk and messing around with some friends one night. After your friends had dared you to break a glow stick and smear it over your skin, you did. It exploded and you accidentally swallowed some. GL was nearby and took you to the hospital.
Flash/Barry Allen
You worked in a mental hospital. A patient had exploded in your face and threatened to hurt you with a plastic butter knife. Fortunately, Flash was nearby and heard the yells coming from the hospital. He came and saved you.
Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
You were practicing archery at some birds on a telephone wire. You weren't very good and kept missing. An arrow whizzed passed your head and hit a bird. Green Arrow came out and gave you the bird he shot. And by the way he was smug AF.
You were an assistant to one of the greatest scientists ever. After he had took in a man with only a chest and a head, he turned him into the cyborg he is now. You were there for the transformation.
Wonder Woman/Dinah Prince
You were visiting Gotham city with your friend. You experienced one of the worst battles in history. Unfortunately, your waist had been caught under a support beam. WW heard your cries and came to help you.
Kidflash/Wally Rudolph West
Your parent(s) were/was friends with Wally's parents. This automatically made you friends with Wally. But you didn't know he was Kidflash.
Nightwing/Dickie Grayson
You were trying out a new pair of Sais at the gym and accidentally sliced someone's gym bag. A man walked up and was confused as to why his gym bag was sliced apart. You, embarrassed, apologized and left as quickly as possible.
Kaldur a'hm
You were a amateur reporter for the HHDN (Happy Harbor daily news) and realized that the young superheroes tended to stay around Happy Harbor. You saw Kaldur one day in HH and decided that to get a raise from your boss you needed to interview him. But he walked away before you could say anything.
Artemis fowl
You were just moving into a new apartment with your dad. All the stuff had been sent to the address and all you had to do was drive there. When you unlocked your door, you heard yelling from the neighbors and listened carefully. Suddenly a blond girl about your age stormed out of the apartment and passed by you. You wondered who she was and why she ran out of her apartment.

This was tiring. Preferences aren't that much fun to write, honestly.

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