Yao Wang "China"

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7:00 am this morning

Today you where waiting for your friend Yao Wang, or as most knew him as China to come pick you up.You and China had planned to visit a local zoo, today, this was something the two of you did every year since you had become friends. But today was special, because, the zoo, had added a new exhibit, and that exhibit just, happened to be one yours and Yao's favorite animals, the Great Panda. Of course, Yao loved anything cute,but his favorite animals were pandas, he even owned a pet panda that he carried around partially every where he went. Which you, thought was adorable,but than again you loved everything about the four thousand year old country.Your crush on China came about sometime last year,but as the years of friendship continued to blossom between the two of you, the crush intensified, to that of a full blown love sickness for the Chinese man. So here you sat in all your chubby glory on your (F/C) couch watching rerun episodes of you favorite TV show as you waited for Yao to arrive.

12:00 pm this afternoon

Yao was suppose to meet you here at this time.....

2 Hours Later-4:00 pm

Where the heck is he?

3 Hours Later-7:00 pm

Yao was late, insanely late for your yearly trip, to the this was very unusual for him. And to be frank you had grown quite worried for your four thousand year old Chinese friend. That at was until you heard a knock at your door, you arose from your (F/C) couch and turned open the door knob to see Yao standing there. "WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN? YOU'RE FIVE HOURS LATE! DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED YOU MADE ME?!" You yelled frantically angry with your friend as you place your chubby arms and hands , on your wide hips."SORRY,SORRY, (Y/N), ARU! I'LL MAKE IT UP TO YOU, I PROMISE!'"China replied frantic with the stress of being so late for the yearly trip. "YOU BETTER!"You replied still rather angry with him.You hadn't noticed the bag that he carried around in one of his hands, that was until he pulled out a stuffed version of a (F/C) (F/A), that had in fancy writing the words, "I'M SO SORRY!" on a small card. To be frank it was whether cute, seemed like something China would have brought for himself, but yet he had thrusted the (F/C) (F/A) into your plump hands as you fiddled to open the the card that carried by the cute stuffed animal that you now held with you. You opened the card to find the words, "I LOVE YOU,(Y/N)!I HOPE YOU CAN FORGIVE ME! written in (F/C) lettering, a small smile, came across your face. Was this, why, China was late, was it because he was trying to confess his love for you?Surely, you could forgive him for that, right?Smiling softly you blushed as you hugged the four year old man, who stiffened at first, but eventually relaxed and hugged back. "(Y/N),aru?" Yao asked confused at your current response, to his confession. You just simply replied with an "I love you, too China.". China, smiled and kissed your plump lips passionately and slowly. The two of you forgot about your trip to the zoo, after all it was probably closed by now anyhow, and you let China spent the night at your house, enjoying the first of many romantic moments to come, with your new boyfriend.

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