Chapter Eight

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^The song above is Live By The Hook, which I feel like fits.

The owner of the mocking voice that taunted Pan relentlessly with his politeness stepped onto the stairs and into my line of sight.

His long dark hair hung in clumpy strands down his angular face, the color vibrant like a silky storm cloud. His sparkling green eyes were alight with whirling colors of revenge, joy, and an unspoken emotion that sent a spike of fear shuddering down my spine.

The man gracefully descended the steps, his long legs eating up the distance in short, calculated strides.

Pirates scrambled to throw themselves out of his path, fright radiating from their figures. They stood to the sides, all of them still, despite that fear, throwing insulting jeers our way.

He ghosted through the crowd, his dark mop of hair standing out against the backdrop of white. But the superior smile adorning his lips caused him to blend in just a tiny bit with the scorn filled crowd.

The man stepped into the circle surrounding us, a deadly and smug aura hanging off his shoulders. The pirates closed off the path behind him, once again forming one mass of disgusting bodies and foul language.

A vicious smirk slithered across his lips as he faced down the unwavering form of Pan. The pirate stood only bare inches above my protector. "Are we finally going to end this, Pan? You know this can all be stopped." The pure amount of self satisfaction dripping from the rogue had my stomach churning with dread.

A small noise, somewhere between a groan and a gasp, echoed from the dark-haired boy beside Pan.

The captain's harsh green eyes snapped to him, his brow lifting in a high arch. He turned to the boy who he towered high above as well. "What was that, boy?" he barked, his false politeness bleeding away.

I saw Zac straighten harshly, his back rigid with fear and anxiety.

A sick look entered the green depths of the captain's eyes as he turned to face Pan once more. He called out to his underlings, his eyes still locked on Pan's blue depths, "Ren! Sem! To your captain at once."

Two pirates, both younger than Pan and the captain, slithered up to the man's side. One of them was tall, almost the same height as the red-haired man protecting me. The other was the pirate who had dragged me onto this cursed ship.

His different colored eyes were full of scorn, but underneath all that hatred, was an unusual blankness, like his face was a blank page waiting to be written on.

"Yes, Captain Hook?" they saluted at once, their voices toneless except for an underlying excitement. An excitement for battle.

Hook turned to face the boys, but not before he flashed Pan a secret smile that was full of poison. "Introduce yourselves, boys."

They both continued in those almost completely emotionless voices. The taller one, with the same white hair as the rest of the crew, spoke first, "Semaj is the name," there was a small hint of shame in his voice, but it was gone the next second, like it had been wiped away like chalk from a chalk board.

"Rennoc." The familiar strange eyed man said simply. But his eyes were the only different thing about him for he had the same hair color as all the pirates.

I saw the muscles in all the older Lost Boys' backs grow taunt. Many of their hands clinched into tight fists.

I couldn't understand why the pirates' names were something of such importance and fury.

The captain, seemingly satisfied with the unnecessary introduction, nodded his head in a tight, calculated manner.

The two pirates, who had been standing awkwardly and staring at the ground, snapped to attention and sprung forward into action.

They were there and gone in an instant. Even Pan, the quickest on his feet here, couldn't catch them as they snatched Zac right off his feet.

Semaj and Rennoc didn't fly, of course. That was something reserved for the followers of Pan. But they did drag the younger boy after them, his feet scrapping the rough deck harshly before they were swallowed from sight by the savage crowding pirates.

Pan moved forward, ready to attack the pirate captain as the rogue had ordered of Zac. His knife was brought up to Hook's neck, shaking desperately to end this all.

But what Captain James said next stilled his hand, at least, for a while.

"A girl?" the pirate spat out in surprise, his eyes widening into an almost laughable size. His cold emerald eyes were fixated on me.

Pan jumped back, his feet falling into a fighting stance in front of me. My view of Hook was blocked as all I could see was the waist of the red-haired man before me.

The mocking voice of the pirate captain floated to me, "What is this? A lost girl?"

Pan, if it was even possible at this point, stiffened even more. "Never!" He cried, his voice growing soft towards the end of the single word. Then he whispered, ever so softly, just barely under his breath, "I would never dare do that to her."

The pirate leaned towards Pan and whispered quietly, "Why never, Pan? Is it because of what befalls those who follow your cursed leadership? Or is it because of the past? Can your heart take no more?" The words were so soft spoken that it was clear that this taunting was targeted at Pan and him alone.

He jerked back, nearly running me over in the process. I caught the horrible trembling in his hand as he returned his dagger to his side, but it never left his tight grip.

"Ah, Pan." Hook said loudly, loud enough for the entire ship to hear, "You shouldn't cower so. You might just end up...cut." The captain whipped his wickedly curved hook up across the other man's face.

I gasped loudly as a trail of blood welled up on Pan's pale cheek.

I glanced away from the cut and met a pair of malice filled pools of green.

He held my eyes for a short second before he turned away. "Tie them to the mast. Separate her from them." The rogue captain called to his underlings as he disappeared into the captain's quarters below the stairs.

The other pirates instantly surged forward onto us as they grabbed our arms and legs to restrain us.

But Pan didn't go quietly. He yelled out a single word, high pitched and foreign, "Llebreknit!"

An arm wrapped itself around my waist before tightening into an almost painful grip. And I quickly realized why.

My feet were no longer in contact with the wooden deck of the ship. And the arm that was holding me up was attached to none other than red-haired man.

The other boys were below us, fighting against the pirates even though they massively all out numbered.

"Don't worry, Wyn. They'll be fine. They're all used to this sort of thing." Pan said softly, his tone matching those of a melancholy piano.

I glanced up at him and caught his blue gaze. "But what about Zac?" I inquired, terrified for the poor boy's fate.

A small smile made its way across Pan's face. "He'll be alright, Wyn. I called someone who can help. But for now, I need to get you somewhere safe." He finished as some of the Lost Boys made their ascent into the air to join us.

Author's Note:

So! We finally got to meet good ol' Hook again. :D

I hope you all enjoyed! :D

Another song! So you guys don't have to listen to that musical only. :D

I just randomly picked it off my YouTube list, so yeah. ;)

It's Hey Brother by Avicii. :D

Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!


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