Chapter 8

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*Jane's P.O.V.*

What the heck? The plan was for Scott to say he had to go do something and he'd meet us at the tent, and Akiva stay and walk with us.

Grrr...they changed my plan!!!

*Mia's P.O.V.*

We had stopped walking and I looked over at Jane. "Um, you know what's going on??" I asked suspiciously as she watched them disappear down the trail.

"Surprisingly, no. I have no clue." She shook her head and we started back towards the tents again.

We were about half way back to the tent when her phone started ringing.

"Hehe. My foot is smooched in a cupcake. Hehe." I laughed and stopped as she picked up her phone, she's had that ringtone long enough that I don't question it anyore.

"Hello?" She had just answered her phone when mine went off.

"Sexy can I, just pardon my manners. Girl how you shake it, got a playa like (Ohh). It's a Kodak moment, let me go and get my camera. All I wanna know is, sexy can I." Jane looked over at me and raised her eyebrow. I shrugged and answered my phone.


"Hey beautiful." Scott replied. Before you ask....My ringtone is set to that for everyone who isn't in my family, so no, I didn't choose it specially for him.

"Why'd you call me?"

"Well, okay then, I won't tell you."

"Well you kinda just ran off with Akiva and left me and Jane to walk alone, then you call me?" I said while throwing my hands in the air. I'm part french so I use hand gestures when I talk.

"Well....I have a good reason!" He protected himself.

"Okay, then what is your reasoning?" I asked playfully. To someone else listening to our conversation....they would think we were dating and he had cheated on me or something.

"Well...." He paused for a long moment and I kept quiet till he spoke. "Ahh. I want to tell you now, but I can't! You'll find out when you get to the tent." I let my mind prosess what he was saying.

"Okay. But if we get back and you guys try to kidnap us or something along those lines then we're gonna chop off your balls!" I heard Jane chuckle behind me and Scott grimance at the thought.

"Noted, no kidnapping. But seriously, get to the tent or I'm gonna end up telling you what it is and having Akiva chop off my balls."

I chuckled and thought a minute. "Well, what if I just sit right here, where I am on the trail till you tell me what it is?" I said while sitting down on the edge of the trail.

"Well then I'd probably get annoyed after a while and end up telling you."

"Well, what is it that you can't tell me?" I smiled at Jane as she listened to my conversation and carried on with her own.

"Well...." He didn't say anything for a few minutes and Jane hung up with who ever she was on the phone with, I presume it was Akiva. "When you get back to the tent me and Akiva have set-" He was cut off by the sound of Akiva taking his phone and running while screaming 'NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!' then ended the call.

I sighed in defeate and me and Jane walked the rest of the way to the way to the tent. Once we got there, there was no sign of the boys. I went to go into the tent to check when I saw a note on the outside of the tent door written on blue and red stripped notecards.

"Well this should be fun....

You guys' journy will start with going inside of the tent!" Written in Akiva's messy hand writting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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