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I was tagged weeks ago by the marvelous Adoraisnotonfire , i just discovered!
But I'm addicted to hurting-
Shhh sorry I'm listening to Eden. Everyone was raving a while ago and I was just like "pfffft they can't be that good I'll stick to Melanie and Panic! and Twenty One Pilots please and thank you" but then I was just like "eh I'll listen to like one song" but now I'm obsessed *sigh*.

Okay, so the tag is to list 15 facts about yourself, so let's go! Woo!

1 - My name is Alliyah, obviously.
2 - Stacy introduced me to the Cube
3 - I am such a fangirl in every way sometimes it's embarrassing, even the noises when ship things happen smh
4 - I'm homeschooled
5 - I've been writing chapter stories since I was 9 years old
6 - I have social anxiety irl
7 - I have anxiety
8 - I get panic attacks
9 - I'm scared of being replaced by my friends
10 - I've never tried cereal with milk (I just have always eaten it dry)
11 - I have four siblings
12 - I am a Leo, born on July 25
13 - The biggest Will girl you'll ever meet (may or may not have written his birthday on my calendar), but secretishly a Nathan girl
14 - My old fanfictions for my first major fandom (Wizard101) are still up on Fanfiction.net as AlliyahTheAuthor
15 - I'm a Christian
16 - oh wait I only had to to do 15? Aw I was really getting into the zone...okay, time to tag people.


I'm only tagging five because I don't feel like bothering a million people but if you're reading this and want to do it to, feel free! Okay, have a good day/night and don't forget to smile for me. I'm going to get some sleep, tooodddllleeeesss!❤

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