“Who did that to you?” Caleb asked, advancing towards her. Maroon shook her head, refusing to tell him. She couldn’t, Viva would be angry. Caleb grabbed her arms roughly and pulled her towards him. His hot breath caressed her face.

“Who, did that, to you Maroon?” Caleb demanded again, giving each word emphasis. His face was close to hers as he stared in her now open green eyes. Maroon held her breath, terrified. 

“I– I...” She mumbled, fear obvious in her voice. 

“Who?” Caleb demanded again, his grip getting tighter on her arms.

“Ouch, please! Stop! You’re hurting me.” Maroon pleaded, twisting her body, trying to escape his hold. Caleb immediately loosened his grip and let her go, taking a few steps away. 

“Why won’t you tell me?” Caleb complained, running a hand through his blonde hair. 

Maroon stayed silent as she watched Caleb talk to himself and pace back and forth, her green eyes wide. 

Kyle suddenly came running back out, thankfully clothed, his hair copper hair flopping as he moved. Maroon stared at Kyle as he ran up to Caleb. Kyle looked confused at Caleb’s stressed body language, before glaring his brown eyes at her. 

“We're ready Alpha. We just need the okay to light it.” Kyle said, looking at Caleb before back at the house, then back to Caleb again. 

“No!” Maroon suddenly hollered, stomping towards Kyle and Caleb, her fear vanished. “You can’t burn this place down. I won’t let you.” 

Kyle glared hatefully towards her as Caleb frowned and sighed. “Maroon, I am afraid we have to.” Maroon was surprised by Caleb’s sudden mood change, but ignored it seeing as greater things were in stake.

“No! You can’t.” She shouted angrily back, her green eyes getting glassy. “This is my home.” 

Kyle looked at Caleb, who looked down, his fist tightening.

“Maroon, go pack your belongings. You’re coming with us now.” Caleb ordered, teeth clenched as he said his words.

Maroon was shocked, but it was quickly replaced by anger. “I refuse to do so. You can’t just take me. I won’t let you. Someone will come for me.” 

Caleb glared at her, his blue eyes hinting to a dark grey. “Maroon,” he warned, scowling. “I suggest you go get your things.”


Caleb then nodded to Kyle, who nodded back and made his way towards the manor.

“No!” Maroon shouted, chasing after Kyle to stop him. Even with her weakness, she’d stop at nothing to stop Kyle from burning the place down. Caleb grabbed her swiftly and lifted her over his shoulder like she weighted nothing. 

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