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Just because you cannot pronounce THIS HOLY NAME doesn't mean that you have the right that you may change it to suit you, how would you feel if you apply for your ID OR PASSPORT and it comes back with a different name on it? 

There is a very good reason why we cannot pronounce YHVH, we cannot blasphemy a Name which we cannot pronounce.

By putting in vowels to pronounce This HOLY NAME you are creating a new name for Satan, who promised that he will put himself above God, but he is using humans to do this because the whole Bible is already changed to Yahweh or Yahovah/Jehovah and the new name I can see going around is Yahvah.

Those who desperately wants you to believe that God wants you to know His Name is lying because everyone who can read will know God's Name YHVH. If you go to work on your first day will you call your boss on his name? NO NOT EVER it means that you think you are his equal and you are not.

We are not equal to God, where is the honor of God if we believe that we have the right calling Him by His Holy Name, He never gave Moses any other Name but YHVH and said I AM WHO I AM.

Do you even know what the names means you think belongs to God?

YAHWEH means cube god guess who is worshiping a cube 5 times a day? they also call him Allah.

Enki was called Yah and that means to worship, praise, sing or psalms and he is on his way back to earth with a planet called Nibiru/PlanetX, God said you are calling these god's I will give them to you and see if you will be happy with them. If you think Satan is worse you haven't seen nothing yet. 

Mar_13:19 For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. 

Yahovah/Jehovah means "he causes to become" Jesus cannot cause chaos to become god because HE IS ALREADY GOD. Satan is the only one who cause chaos to become god.

In my next chapter about Sabbath we will see that the name god and lord and stems from Baal so why am I still using the Name GOD or LORD because everyone knows WHO I am talking about the safest NAME we can use without offending anyone is JESUS because we know HIS NAME.

Do you want to know more about these gods you love and calling? please read my books THE SECRETS OF GOD and THE HISTORY OF JESUS AND SATAN

You cannot hide from God even if you are in a bunker He will get you or save you if it is your time to go you cannot stop it.

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