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As soon as I make the decision to find my father I hastily pack a bag. I pull out the largest bag I have; a Victoria secret bag that is no where near large enough to live out of for an undetermined amount of time. I seen Zeus grimace at the girlishly glittered bag out of the corner of my eye. Oh well. I liked it. And frankly, after as many years as I had lived you start to care a lot less about what people thought of you. You had to live to make yourself happy. I walked towards my giant walk in closet and began to survey the clothing inhabiting it. I ruled out half of it automatically. Something told me I wouldn't be needing club wear on this trip to Greece. I started pulling out pairs of leggings, folding them as I yanked them off the hangers.

Zeus frowned at the flimsy material and his eyebrows twisted hard in confusion. So far, this is the most common face I had seen him make. "What do you do with these garments?" He sounded seriously perplexed.

"Leggings," I supplied for him in a distracted voice. "You wear them. They're like pants."

His mouth dropped at my answer. He obviously did not approve of them very much. "How indecent!" I giggled at his shockingly prudish response. I would have assumed that he would love them. My giggles obviously had rubbed him wrong, his face turned a slight shade of pink and he lightly cleared his throat. In a gruff voice he attempted to save his image. "By no means am I ignorant." His voice adopted his usual arrogant tone. "I merely have not left Olympus in a few centuries. Times were much different during my last visit to Earth." A vague part of me wondered if that last visit was when he conceived my father. I know that without a doubt Hera had put a tight leash on him since that incident.

Satisifed with his saved image he began to pace around my room. I knew he was getting impatient.

The Hidden Child of HerculesWhere stories live. Discover now