.114. (Special chappie 3)

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But I still didn't find an answer. Still...
It makes me a little bit sad, when I think about how I used to be.

Why am I an outsider?
It sounds like a simple question, no?
An answer isn't as easy as I thought it would be.

I tried to answer myself with things like: 'That's just how things are now, Emil.' or 'Just because you are, Emil.'

But I am not satisfied with that answer. There must be really a reason, why did I change so much. It can't be only a simple 'Just because'.

Because if it were, I wouldn't be moody, careless and rude. That's what many people said to me. The rest of people think that I am. Or at least, once in their life's they thought about my personality like that.

Don't try to lie to me. Everyone thought about me being like that. Or still thinks.

I try to act like I don't care what others think about me... But it seriously hurts me inside...

When others say my country is bad, I try my best not to look at them. Because they would probably see my face with a sad expression...

Let's just say I am not very happy about what most people or other nations say about me.

...but I guess I can still find someone who doesn't say and isn't going to say such thing.
Like my family.
Or my friends... Even though I don't have that many of them.

  I must say that I have changed a lot since my childhood... And... I didn't like it. I still don't.

Some people say that there is always something positive in bad things. But I absolutely don't see even a little positivity in my change. Not at all.

If someone will ever tell me they see something positive in it, I would probably just shake my head. Because I will never understand what they said.

I guess I should find some good traits I have. But I still can't find any. I wonder why is that..? Maybe I am too modest at myself. Maybe I am just telling the truth. Who knows?

But... When I think about it... I am still who I am. And no one will change that. Maybe there is this child self of me somewhere deep inside.

Sometimes I just need a reason to be like my child self.

And that isn't very often.

~Sincerely, Emil Steilsson, the country of fire and ice.

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