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A/N: I don't actually live in Oregon. So please, dont get your panties in a twist if I happen to say something that offends you. Thanks :) also there will be some cussing so if you don't appreciate that then I suggest you don't read.


I hate it here. Sunshine my ass. Its so freaking cold and I think my toes are going to fall off.......are they really used for balance? If it is then why do cats only have 5 toes on each paw? Shouldent they have like 500 toes? I wonder what that would be like......."OW!!!'' Is that a pole? Ugh great. Now my forehead is red. Just Great. "STUPID POLE!!! WHY OH WHY DID YOU JUST HAVE TO BE PUT RIGHT WHERE IM WALKING?!?!?"

"Umm..... Do you always yell at poles..?"

I spun around only to encounter the most beautiful face I had ever seen. He had the most beautiful caribbean blue eyes I had ever seen and they shone brightly against his jet black hair. He had on a dark blue beanie, a gray sweatshirt and a pair of dark skinny jeans that showed off the muscles in his legs. Hi, I'm Riley Elliot and I have just successfully emberassed myself infront of quite possibly, the most gorgeous guy in the history of beautiful people. "Uhm...well...you see....this uhh...pole...thingy....has....um.....well....sometimes?"

Mr.McGorgeous instantly smirked and laughed as he walked over to where I was and said, "I'm guessing your Riley?" When he saw the expression on my face, most likely one of pure confusion, he sighed and started to explain, "I'm Gabriel." He said then he smiled as if that had explained everything. Then, when he saw that my facial expresion still hadn't changed, he sighed and said, "....you know..the person your dad hired to show you around and help you get settled in?"

Then it dawned on me.

This gorgeous guy standing infront of me was being paid to babysit me by my father and he was going to be stuck with me for the next two months.

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