Chapter 13

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He kissed me for a long time. Then as soon as we lean back I felt something grab my foot and the pull me down to the bottom. I hit the bottom hard and then the thing held me down. I opened my eyes and I saw Eric! I tried to push him away from me. I then started to feel dizzy and then I just fainted. I could hear James's voice, I could hear fathers and I could hear Star's. Is this the end?


"Kendal? Kendal are you okay?" I heard James say and then I saw James and he hugged me.

"Oh baby your alright!" he said like he was about to cry.

"Yeah..." and then Eric came. I quickly hugged up to James and he just gave me a look.

"I swear man! I will knock your ass down!!!!!" James yelled and stood up. They both ran though the house. I stood up and looked down the hallway.

"Boys!!!!" Father said and stood in the middle of them.

"Sir just let me fucking knock him one good time!!!"

"James calm down! I'm as pissed as you are!" Dad said angrily. Then he let go of James and he tackled Eric. James hit Eric in the nose and blood came out I turned away cause once I see blood I pass out.

"Okay boys calm down!" But I could still hear them fighting.

"James!!" dad scolded and I could hear James stop and then slammed his bedroom door.

"Damn..." Eric said and then he got up I slowly turned around and I saw blood and I closed my eyes.

"Baby girl, can you not stand blood?" father said and I turned to my room.

"No......" I said and shut the door.


James then came into my room.

"Damn stupid ass pissed me off!" he said pacing and I was typing.

"I swear if you touches to again someone's gonna be dead!!!" he said and paced faster and I watched him.

"Baby you making me dizzy!" I said and he looked at me.

"Sorry I pace when I'm mad." he said and then stopped and then sat on the bed. I got a call.

"Baby can you answer it?" I said.

"Yeah love..." and he then reached over and answered my phone.


"Who is this?"

"Uh well this is her boyfriend."

"Uh why?"

"Listen hear you son of a bitch I will..." then I heard the phone hang up.

"Baby who was that?" He then showed me the number.

"I don't know that number." I said and he looked at me.

"Well maybe some prankers...." he said and lightly tossed my phone on the table.

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