Dear Nobody (Journal Entry 8)

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*Note: Click the Youtube link above to listen to the Audiobook Version of this chapter voiced by Kristen M. (kaelking12) featuring cover music by Alex G. & Kurt Hugo Schneider.


Dear Nobody,

There once was a boy who was made of words.

A boy who lived and breathed inside the pages of a book I thought I couldn't read.

A book I thought I shouldn't read.

But I did.

I opened the cover and found the heart I thought I lost somewhere in the sand last summer.

But it's been beating right here.

Bleeding out words that used to be secrets.

Words that are starting fill the year-long black and white silence that separated us.

Words that should make me feel a little less lonely.

A little less lost.

A little more than half empty.

But I'm still full of holes.

Holes nobody can fix.


Doubts that spill out from old wounds.

Old scars that never healed as well as a broken wrist.

But this.

These entries.

These words.

This boy.

Almost eases the pain.

So if I keep reading

Maybe I'll find the me I used to be again.



(Thanks so much for reading guys! Because this was a short entry I will be trying my best to have another update up for you guys between now and Friday! This weekend I'll be speaking & filming at Wattpad's LonCon, so I'm hoping to squeeze in another update for you then! Hope you enjoyed kaelking12 's  performance on the audiobook!)

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