"W-wait, did-did she say something?" Alex asked and everyone rushed over to us. I laid my mate down and bent over her.

"Baby? Peyton? Can you hear me?" I said and heard a groan. She's alive! I jumped up and then sat back down, waiting for my girl to wake up. I leaned down to her chest after a few minutes of silence and sure enough, her heart was beating. I started crying like a girl again but it was tears of joy. My mate was alive.


Peyton's p.o.v

My head freaking hurts! I'm still surrounded by the blackness but I can hear voices now and they were talking about me. The one voice that I loved and missed was the one I focused on the most and my heart started beating erratically. I missed that voice. Now, if I could only just open my eyes then I could see his gorgeous face. It seems like it's been a while since I last saw him but I don't know how long.

The last thing I remember was seeing a wolf attack the man who kidnapped me and it about to attack Caleb but before I could get any words out, I blacked out. For a while all I saw was white but a little while ago everything turned back. Ever since I refused to follow my mom, I've been in darkness, wanting to wake up and see my man. I couldn't leave my brother, he means everything to me. I'm the closest family he has, besides my aunt. Oh my gosh! They have got to be so upset right now looking for me! I'm in deep sh!t once I get back to the hotel. How am I going to explain that I got kidnapped on the second day here? I better start coming up with ideas...

"Baby? Can you hear me?" that beautiful voice said. I couldn't open my mouth to speak so I just grunted.

"Max, listen to her heart. Every time you speak, it beats faster," someone else said.

"I'm so sorry, Peyton. I'm going to take you home now, okay? Grunt if anything hurts once I start moving you," Max said. He put his arms under my legs and back and began to lift me up but my head started throbbing painfully. I grunted and he slowly put me back down. "Okay, I won't move you. Please, just wake up fully." Don't you think I'm trying that? I screamed in my head. The weight on my eyes began to lift but I couldn't fully open them, just flutter them. Before I could get my eyes open I smelt the most incredible smell ever and it was close to me.

"That's it, babe. Keep opening your eyes," I heard Max say and a bunch of people chorus 'yeah, open them!' I smiled and they started cheering but I still couldn't open them. I was almost there but I was losing energy fast.

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