Thirty One. Beginning.

Start from the beginning

"Merlin, someone's a sight to sore eyes," he smiled wrapping her in a tight hug. 

"So is your handsome face," she said giving him a passionate kiss. "Hi." 

"Hi," he said tucking her under his arms. "Want to eat something?" 

"Not so soon." 

"Thanks," he winced. 

"That bad?" 

"Yup, although I have retained my breakfast until now." 

"Attaboy!" she smiled. "It is a lovely day, minus your hangover and my body pain." 

"Yes, it is, especially since you arrived." 

"You flatter me way too much, Malfoy." 

"It is my duty, and I shall abide to it until my death, Miss Granger," he bowed. 

"Why, kind sir, you act like a noble knight."

"What do you mean, act? I am a knight, I am a Malfoy, for fuck's sake!" he said making her laugh.  

"This feels good, doesn't it?" she asked after a little while. 

"What does?" 

"Hanging out with you like this, alone, and knowing that we have every day of our lives to do this." 

"Yes, it does," he leant in for a kiss. What was supposed to be a peck turned into a fifteen-minute long session of touching and kissing each other. "It feels super good!" 

"I love you, Draco," she beamed at him. 

"I love you too, Grangie, so fucking much. It feels so good to know that someone like you is willing to stay with me forever." 

"That again?" 

"It's not that again, Hermione. Ask whichever friend of yours, Harry, Ginny, or Luna, everyone's going to have the same thing to say. It's overwhelming when a person as kind, intelligent, and benevolent such as you gives someone decent or less than decent bits of them. You have to understand, a forever with you is not just being with you all my life. It's healing all the scars from my childhood and forgiving myself for all that I've done. It's what your love for me and my love for you are capable of doing. It's, for the lack of a better word, magical." 

"Draco, I love you, and I understand how you, or anyone else, feels. But my friends? They are so much better at certain things than I am. It's overwhelming when the entire wizarding world thinks so highly of me." 

"I can only imagine, but that's how brilliant you are! Please, just tell me you love me and end this discussion, or else we will be going at it all day," he pleaded. 

"I love you, and I know of another way we can go at it all day!" she smirked. 

"I think I might know a deserted corridor, want to go?" 

"As tempting as it sounds, I will have to take you up on that offer sometime else."

"You have somewhere to go?" 

"No, just want to enjoy this pleasant day outdoors with my forever boyfriend," she said lying on the grass with her head in his lap.

"Hey, I am not your forever boyfriend! I do intend to change that title sometime." 

"To what?" 

"Your forever trophy husband." 

"Soon, Malfoy, soon," she gave him a warm smile. 

"Did you know your smile is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen?" 

"I think you've told me something along those lines before," she grinned. "I lost count after the five hundredth time." 

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