Get Off- Kirk (Part Two)

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Sobs racked your body as you shamelessly leaned into Kirk's arms as he held you closer, the two of you sinking to the floor slowly. Kirk gently rubbed your arm and back, rocking you slightly as he let you cry into his chest. After a few moments of crying, you hiccuped then coughed. Kirk held you tighter but his heart leapt when he saw blood dripping from your mouth.

Without saying anything, he moved you enough to he could wipe the blood with his sleeve, keeping it out of your sight. Once you started to relax a bit more and your coughing stopped, Kirk pulled away to look you in the eyes. He stroked your cheeks, clearing them of tears.

"What are their names?" He gently asked.

You sniffed, suddenly having difficulty keeping your eyes open. "Sal...Salia and Marci." You croaked as you struggled to stay conscious.

Kirk nodded, stroking your hair back. "I need you to stay with me. Can you tell me your name?"

You about laughed. "You know my name."

Kirk chuckled as he shook his head. "Sorry princess, I don't believe I do."

"(Y/n)." You answered weakly.

"(Y/n), I am going to look for them but I need you to stay awake. We don't have much time. Can you do that for me?"

You gave him a long blink, focusing on his startling blue eyes. You opened to agree but you just resorted to nodding. Kirk gave you a small smile and nodded, stroking your hair back once more, placing a kind peck on your forehead.

"Stay awake." He whispered one more time before he disappeared from your line of sight. Your heart started to race, thinking you lost him too, but the sound of thin shouting the names of the children you but nearly deemed your own, calmed you instantly. You moved so you could keep his bright yellow blur of a shirt in sight, thinking of his ice blue eyes.

Kirk moved quickly, not liking the sound of the ship falling apart around him.

"Salia! Marci!"

He lifted debris and kicked aside fallen wall sections, grunting as he continued to call out to them.

"Marci! Salia!"

He was about to call out again when he heard a small cough echo through an opening that looked only big enough for a child to crawl through. With as much grace and haste as he could muster, Kirk came up to the opening, peeking his head into the debris cave.

"Salia? Marci?" Kirk kindly called out, not wanting to scare them.

"Hello?" A small voice of a girl called back.

Kirk laughed with relief. He reached his hands out and beckoned them. "I'm a friend of (Y/n)'s, she will be so happy to see you are alright. But we have to hurry."

He watched as a teenager girl and a toddler boy came into the small light. He smiled at them and was about to reach out to them but the ship shook, causing some of the debris to shift and creak. Then an idea popped into his head.

Reaching his hand up to stop them he pulled out his communicator. "Hold up. I don't want this to collapse on you. I have a friend who will help." He opened the device and called for Scotty.

"Ay Captain."

"Scotty I need you to beam two kids onto the Enterprise. Can you gauge their location from where I am?"

"Yes, sir. I take it you want me to add you with them."

Kirks heart nearly stopped in fear of losing you. "No, not yet. Stay locked onto me and await my signal. But take the children now."

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