Of Men And Angles Part I - Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

"She not missing, she is with Jace and Arabelle is with Stiles....they have gone out to see Magnus about Arabelle's powers." I said

"We can't have a girl in the insitute out of control. The entire shadow world is looking for her and Arabelle. Its sercurity risk. Get the four of them back her right now. We do not need Arabelle going missing again after we have just got her back." Dad said walking out of the office.

I walked out of the office and was on the phone trying to get a hold of Jace. After a while her finally picked up the phone and answered me.

"You need to get back to the insitute."I said

"You need to help me first" Jace said

"No, I'm not messing around. I'm waiting for Stiles to say that he and Arabelle are at Magnus and that they have got her powers under controll." I said

"Me either, I need your help. I haven't seen them and I have just come from Magnus's" Jace said

"You okay?" I asked him

"I'm fine. Its Magnus. He needs your powerful Shadowhunter energy, or something like that " Jace said

"Magnus.....why does Magnun need me?" I said

"To help save Lukes life" Jace said

"No, I told you at the wolf den, no more downworlder business. We can't be seen interfering with a pack alpha dispute. How can you even ask me...." I said but was cut off

" I shouldn't need to even ask you, Alec. We're Parabatai" Jace said

"That is exactly my point..." I said

"Alec, your a man of honor, and the only person in the world that I would trust with something like this. I'm couniting on you. Do the right thing....." Jace said

"Woah is that Stiles" I heard Simon shout over the phone

"What have you found him and Arabelle" I said

"No, just Stiles who seems to have been Knocked out with Arabelle's bracelet beside him with the stones black not blue. I will call you back" Jace said and then the line went dead

Jace's P.O.V.
I ended the call with Alec and bent down and shook Stiles, he woke up and started to look around. He looked on the floor and saw Arabelle's bracelet.

"Come on Stiles...What happend" I said

"Ara, what having an internal battal with herself and I'm guessing the dark side of her won and it took over her. She then knocked me out and had black eye's not green. She must of took the bracelet off. She also had what looked like a purple pentagram infront of her. which means that we have to find her, knock her out and get her back to magnus" Stiles said

"Come on, I have to collect something for Magnus...get that to him. Then we can go look for Arabelle" I said to Stiles who nodded.

After a while we reached the place where I would get Magnus's things for his potion. I draw a line and stuck it in the ground after threating the mundane.

I walked in to the building, I grabed what I need and quickly got out of the building because there was a demon in the place. I quickly Grabbed my sword, grabbed Clary and quickly ran and we ran by the building I killed the demon. Stiles, Simon and I quickly ran towards Magnus's.


Alec's P.O.V.

"Mother, Rose. What's wrong?" I said when I walked into the room that she was in

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