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"Wonwoo hyung!!"

The male turned around to see Chan running towards him with a small smile. He smiled in return and welcomed him with a cheerful greeting, "Hey!!"

It was already 9pm, and it was because the both of them were out studying individually at the library. They didn't wanted to fail their course, obviously.

Wonwoo walked to the Dormitory Building with the younger male, talking about their upcoming exams as they made their way. Chan changed the topic and instead decided to talk about Mingyu, whereas Wonwoo isn't affected by it.

"He hasn't been coming for practices, hyung! I'm worried..."

"He has been avoiding everyone then.. Well, except for Jungkook then. He has been sneaking out to see him, isn't that weird?" Chan nodded along the lines of his words.

"Anyways... H-have you seen Seokmin hyung nowadays?"

The older hummed in thought, shaking his head afterwards with a sigh. "Never saw him ever since that incident. Hanbin told me that he tried approaching him a few times but he got ignored. I have a bad feeling about him though, maybe you should try to meet him soon."


Wonwoo frowned and scrunched up his nose with a nod, "No kidding. My instincts are like Jeonghan's, somewhat of a mother you can say that?"

When Chan opened the door to his dorm, his roommate shrieked when he saw him. "Channie!!"

The boy could only blinked his eyes in confusion but his roommate beckoned him to come inside quickly, which he followed. "What's wrong Jonghwa?"

(Jonghwa - MADTOWN Jota)

Jonghwa pulled him down onto his bed and showed him a box wrapped up nicely, which was apparently surprisingly.. Dull. "What's that?"

"Channie, I found this in front of our door just now and it's supposed to be for you? Your name is written on the box, it's fading away though."

Chan titled his head in question and earned a shrug in return, he took the box away with a sigh and inspected it first. "You don't think it's some bomb right?"

"Or a prank? No. Why would someone do that to you? Listen, I don't think you have ever done anything bad to someone. You have only done the opposite, I believe that~"

Jonghwa's smile turned into a nervous grin when the other lad started ripping off the wrapping of the box, revealing a wooden box. Chan's hand lingered on the top of the box, hesitating to open it.

Taking in a deep breath, he opened it and glanced at what's inside, letters. He heaved a sigh and smiled lightly at his roommate, who nodded at him.

Before doing anything to the letters, he took a short bath. He felt unhygienic, and therefore he had to take a warm bath to relieve all his knots in his body.

Reading the first letter from the bottom, his eyebrows furrowed at the words. "Today was the first time I met you, and I felt my heart pounding in my chest as if I just ran a marathon. Ah, it must be love. Love at first sight, I must say."

Chan batted his eyelashes innocently and looked at his roommate who, was listening attentively and shrugged his shoulders, "I find it cute! You know, just being honest.."

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