"I'm sure you'll get a lot of gold from the Indian River, Rick." I said, not turning from the stove. "And don't worry, Parker, you'll get more gold, honey."

"Lord knows I sure do need it." Parker muttered.

My phone rang, and I sweetly asked Parker to answer it for me while my hands were covered in the French toast mixture. He replied with a grunt and picked up the phone from the other end of the table and answered it.

"It's Hannah." Parker said.

"Bring it to me and put it on speakerphone for me." I said as I turned over a piece of French toast.

Parker pressed the speakerphone and set it on the counter beside me. I scooted closer to him as he stood at the counter for a second, but he didn't even look at me. Instead, he walked back over to the table. I scoffed and thought, fine then. Keep on being like that and see where it gets you.

"Hello? Anybody there?" Hannah said from the phone.

"Hey, Hannie." I said. "You're on speakerphone, so don't say anything that you don't want Parker and Rick to hear."

"Okay, whatevs. So did you tell him?"

"Yes, I told him about the baby."

"What did he say?" Hannah asked.

"Well, he said that he's going to support me and the baby, and that he's not mad, and he loves us and all that jazz. He's just really stressed out now."

"What are you stressed out for, Parker?" Hannah said to Parker.

"I'll tell you why. Because I have to support Nicole and the baby, and the gold ain't coming in like it needs to, and the minute I say something about it," Parker said as he threw up his arms and gestured toward me. "she gets mad at me. I thought she was supposed to tell me that everything is gonna be alright, but nope. She just--"

"Hold up, Parker Schnabel." I interrupted. "I did tell you everything was gonna be alright, but you wanted to argue about it because we don't have the house built. Who cares about a stupid house? Do I look like I really care about a house, when I'm out here living in a little trailer and cooking and cleaning for you men?"

"You know you want that damn house, Nicole." Parker gritted his teeth. "You talk about it all the time. 'Oh, I can't wait till we have our house.' That's what you say. And I want to give it to you, but I need money to do that. And all I said was that I don't know how I'm going to do it."

"And I said that I didn't need a house. I just want you and the baby, and the rest of our family."

Hannah went to laughing through the phone.

"What the fuck is so funny, Hannah?" Parker asked.

"You two." Hannah said breathlessly through her laughs. I could hear Payson in the background saying something and chuckling. "Okay so let's get this straight, Parker wants to buy you a piece of land and build a freakin nice house, and you don't want him to, right? Shouldn't this be the other way around? Normal couples, the girl wants a house but the guy won't buy it for her. But see, you guys." Hannah chuckled. "All he wants to do is take care of you, and you're like 'NO' !"

I smirked and looked at Parker, who was trying to hide a grin. I bust out laughing along with Payson and Hannah, soon followed by Parker and Rick. I went over to Parker and hugged him.

"I'm sorry, honey. I wanted you to feel like you didn't have to do anything for me, but I should have just supported you." I said.

"I shouldn't have gotten mad." Parker apologized. "I just want the best for you and our baby, and I've been mad for a while that the gold ain't coming in like I thought it would be."

The Miner's GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang