Chapter 12

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Riker's POV

I could barely sleep last night. The thought of Sarah getting hurt just hurts me inside. Plus there's the fact that I have a HUGE crush on her and she's sleeping on our couch. I feel so bad that we didn't get home earlier, if we did then maybe Sarah's mom wouldn't have been in the hospital. But there's nothing we can do about it now, I sit up in my bed and check my phone for the time. 7:00, good thing it's a Saturday, if all this had happened on a weekday then Sarah probably wouldn't go to school.

I changed into jeans and a blue t-shirt that said ROCK on it. Looking in the mirror I ruffled my hair so It fell across my face then I decided I looked good enough and went downstairs. Everyone was bustling quietly in the kitchen as I peered over the back of the couch. Sarah was curled up in a ball, the cheek that had stitches was up so she wasn't laying on it. She was so cute when she slept, like a little kitten.... "Dude don't be a creep." Ross laughed behind me.

I jumped and moved away from the couch, Ross stood smirking at me. "Shut up." I said as I shoved him, I walked into the kitchen as everyone gave me a look like "dude you got it bad" I just rolled my eyes and tried to hide my blush. My family knows about my huge crush on Sarah, how Rydel hasn't babbled yet I don't know. Wait....did she? Nah, Rydel wouldn't have done that to me. I piled a plate with toast, eggs and hash browns before sitting on a barstool.

From the corner of my eye I saw Sarah wrap a blanket around herself and head upstairs. Rydel had gotten a bag of things for her last night, so she was probably boing to get dressed. I continued to eat as everyone gave me that same look from earlier. "Stop it!" I scolded as I put my dishes away. Sarah came down the stairs in jeans, blue t-shirt and beany. Her cheek stitched up she looked like the most beautiful Frankenstein, probably shouldn't tell her that.....

"Hey Sarah." I smiled at her, she looked a little down today not that I blame her I mean her mother was attacked. She grabbed some food and sat down on the stool I was just on. "So how about we let Sarah pick what we do today?" I asked everyone with a you-better-say-yes look. "Totally I think that would be great!" Rocky said excitedly as everyone agreed, Sarah put her dishes in the sink before heading over to Rydel. She whispered something to her and they both got up and went upstairs.

Rydel's POV

Sarah asked me to talk with her privately and since she is like one of my best friends I obviously agreed and we went up to my room. Sarah sighed as she flopped backwards onto my very pink bed. "What's up buttercup?" I asked as I spun around in my desk chair, Sarah groaned.

"So you know I like Riker." She said but she whispered Riker as if someone would hear. "Yeah?" I prodded. "Well I made a deal with myself that if yesterday went well than I would let my feelings for him grow instead of hold them back." She explained as she talked towards the ceiling, I laid down beside her so we both stared up.

"And yesterday was great for the first half until.... You know." Sarah said as she avoided saying it, it was about her mom and that MAN. I nodded and could tell she felt it. "Well I wanted to know what you thought I should do. Your my best girl friend and kinda my only one too." She explained a little sadly, I got it though. Went you move somewhere it's hard to make friends it really is.

"I think you should sit in a quiet room and listen to your heart not your head." I stated simply before hopping up from the bed. I walked out the room and left her to think, this really was a decision she needs to make herself. I walked downstairs and Riker almost jumped me I swear. "What'd she want?" He asked nervously. "Well one way or another you'll find out." I shrugged and said as I went to clean up breakfast.

Sarah's POV

Rydel left me to my thoughts, I laid there on her bed nothing but the sound of my heart and breathing filing the air. I sat and focused on my heart, the beat, rhythm, speed. Then I thought of Riker, his hold on me, his hugs, his concern for others, his smile. My heart rate sped up twice as fast as it was. "Okay..... Give me a sign." I breathed out. "Hey Sarah, um just wanted to see if you were okay..." Riker asked nervously as he stood in Rydels doorway, I sat up and smiled at him. He was leaning against the frame, his hair over his twinkling hazel hazel eyes, his smile, the way he tilted his head... "I'm just fine." I smiled in response.

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