11) Kiss & Tell P1

Start from the beginning

"You guys did great!" Zayn said smiling.

"Thanks, So are things now good for you & Gigi?" I asked Zayn.

"Um, I don't really know yet." Zayn says as we nod in an agreement.

"So how are things with you guys?" Zayn asked us.

"Um. There was a huge argument between Selena & Hailey." Niall told us.

Niall explained to us what happened between Selena and Hailey last night at a club, starting from the beginning when Hailey explained bout her "love life" with Justin & when Selena correcting Hailey bout Jailey.

He also explained to us that Hailey shading Selena's on-again off-again relationship with Justin, After explaining the situation, I gave Selena a hug for comfort then pulled away.

"I'm so sorry to hear that." I said as I gave Selena a hug for comfort then pulled away.

"Thanks, I needed that." Selena said smiling at me.

"Your welcome. Anyway, let's all go out somewhere to dinner!" Zayn's announced as we all went outside to the limo and drove to the arcade.

(At the arcade)
We arrived at the arcade & went inside. As we went inside, We went roller-skating, played arcade games & did karaoke then left to a restaurant to eat.

(At the restaurant)
We arrived at the restaurant and went inside. As we went inside, we went to our table and ordered our food.

"So. Zayn, What happened between you & Gigi?" Selena asked.

Zayn explained to Selena everything that happened between him and Gigi, starting from when Gigi accused him saying Perrie & all the moments they shared together are the reason why his performance was emotional.

Zayn also explained that he defended his relationship with Perrie & their moments together. After Zayn finished explaining everything that happened between him & Gigi, The waiter came back with our order then left & we started eating.

I went on my phone looking at pictures of me & Danielle along with me and my son Freddie.

I went on my phone looking at pictures of me & Danielle along with me and my son Freddie

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