Pool party?

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Lapis pov:

At the pool no one was there but the crystal.    gems,lapis,peridot,Jasper and three annoying humans. "man this is going to be a very long day." I head over to a alley to relax a bit before I regroup with the others Jasper was leaning against the wall not that far away ."Then the Three male humans that were annoying me were trying to ask me on a "date" Steven said I should make new friends but these guys were brainless weirdos so I rejected them and tried to walk away. when one of them grabbed her arm.

"come on beautiful come hang with us and not these losers" he gave me an arrogant smirk. I responded with.

"Don't try to convince me with those meaningless words they won't work and as for you three I suggest you go away or I'll make you "

"oh yeah well what's a girl like you going to do about it"I was going to hurt them so bad but I knew the crystal gems wouldn't let me anyways"Besides lady what how can you possibly defend yourself without a strong man to protect ya don't worry one of us will be perfect for the job so what do ya say."
their leader said while smirking .

Hmm those weak humans have been giving lapis a hard time for a while I should help her I thought, alright after I help her i'll apologize once more. "hey stupid humans" I shout out they turn and look at me with smirks plastered on there lips oh I suggest you mind your own business if you don't want any trouble."the only trouble here is the one your in what are you guys talking to "My Lapis"your lapis huh well I guess we'll have to take her from you then" I watch as they take out pocket knives planing to use them against me
I get in a fighting stance

"What did Jasper mean by her lapis I blush I don't even know why snap out of it lapis she's a brute"I watch as she starts arguing with the humans and they are itching to pick a fight with Jasper I should probably warn garnet wait , I'm stupid she has future vision she probably already knows."The humans take out some type of daggers and they are going to use them on Jasper",I watch as she gets into fighting stance the way her muscles flex show that she was ticked off one human tries to stab Jasper" all I can do right now is watch because I'm frozen in shock I'm shocked that Jasper is defending me,Jasper knocks out two humans and is left with one more but that sneaky human had a gun and if that hit Jasper's
Gem it could Do an immense amount of damage. The human shoots Jasper with all of his bullets which just disintegrates into dust and bits of metal. The human cowers in fear and drags the two others along with him.I let out a breath of relief that I didn't know I was holding I begin to stand as Jasper approaches me and I lose my balance but Jasper caught me in a bridal style I was flustered with this and I was as red as a tomato but no words escaped my mouth."Jasper says "let's head back to the pool shall we?"I replied with a "sure"
I ask "can I walk now" I say awkwardly she responds with "oh yeah my bad haha she scratches the back of her neck trying to play it cool but she was blushing like crazy.

At the pool ~ Steven and the crystal gems were not at the pool anymore as well as peridot but they left a note it said : "lapis and Jasper by the time you guys read this we have gone on a mission and won't be back for two weeks or more,so get along you too."

At the temple (lapis and Jasper have their own rooms)

Jasper pov :                         I was heading to my room but lapis stopped me and said that she wanted to hang out to pass time the rest of the day we learned more about each other and even had fun together we played games and talked about what we liked.

Later that night ~
"Lapis didn't wake up so I had created a bed and placed her in it and put the sheets over her and I climbed into bed as well turning off the light as I went when I Was barely getting into a comfortable position lapis cuddles up to me and to not wake her up I cuddled her back and gave her a good night kiss"
  "Sleep well my water angle
I love you,rest soundly and quietly "

Authors note:comment down ideas feel free to suggest anything you would like to see and my phone almost died 😨 when I was writing this chapter

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