Dear Annika: Teach Me To Love {11}

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Chapter 11

Annika slammed her door shut and sped over to her desk. She jerked her desk drawer open and snatched out a clean sheet of paper. She didn’t even bother to sit down while she wrote.

Caleb McArthurs,

She couldn’t think of what else to put so she just scribbled as hard as she could all over the page and finally took a deep breath. She fell to the ground and just sat as tears flooded her eyes and poured down her face. She felt helpless.

He had a girlfriend. That stunningly beautiful girl Annika had assumed was his sister was his girlfriend. She felt stupid. She had thought he wanted her to write back to him because he liked her but he just wanted attention. This was completely in character of boys, Annika thought angrily. They only care about themselves and how much attention they can get from girls. She finally mustered the strength to stand back up and walked over to her mirror. Her blonde hair was frazzled and her face was blotchy and red.

She sighed and layed down on her bed and drifted into an exhausted, frustrated slumber.


“Caleb?” Caleb groggily opened his eyes and mumbled a few incomprehensive words.

“Caleb! Wake up! We need to talk.” He snapped out of sleep when he recognized Hadley’s voice.

She was standing over him, her arms folded, with a look of complete anger on her face.

“Yes, dear?” Caleb joked in a mocking tone. When her look of anger only got scarier, he realized this may not be the time for humour.

“What, Hadley?” He asked, with a tone of frustration in his voice. “I am not going to date you. I don’t love you. I love Annika.” He had already repeated the last three words in his head for hours the night before. He stated them confidently and proudly, much to Hadley’s dismay.

“Whatever. I don’t think you realize how much I have over you.” She smirked at him, clearly pleased with herself.

“Um, what? You have nothing ‘over’ me and since when did you become the bitchy type?” Caleb was sick of this new Hadley. Had jealously completely transformed her?

“We still haven’t done out partner evaluations for the project. If I wanted to, I could fail you, and I know you need that mark to pass the class.” She gave him a dramatic look. Caleb felt himself go pale. She was right. That mark basically decided your grade, and with his history of wrong doings, no one would believe Hadley over him if she said he hadn’t done anything on their project.

And if he failed that class his parents would do something drastic and send him to a boarding school. Would ‘dating’ Hadley until the partner evaluations be that bad? Caleb gathered himself, took a deep breath and did what he had to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2012 ⏰

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