Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

....... Finna's POV.......

When I walked into this restaurant I told Emily I would come to, My eyes immediately fell on his fiery red hair as our eyes met. He seemed caught off guard as I walked in, He stood up when Emily made her way to me.

"Hey Hun" she said wrapping her arms around me and her long thick brown hair covering my face.

Her green eyes seemed sorry when I looked into them, as if she was sorry for everything that happened , But she was sorry that Alex was here.

By my surprise Alex pulled a chair beside him telling me that I could sit there. I sat in silence not looking at Alex even though I could feel his eyes on me.

Tianna began to talk telling us about her day as a street artist, which was something she decided to do after her idea of being an actress sunk. Niall was laughing at the little jokes she made with his arm around her shoulder, I smiled as I watched them all happy and I began to feel sorry for myself for being alone, which was terrible for me to be thinking. Harry is the one who messed this up not me, and I'm sure everyone else was thinking the same I just haven't let it go yet, Even Kyla would agree even though she isn't here,

I hadn't even had the heart to call her and tell her what has happened, but I'm excited to see her, she always has kind words to say at times like these.

"Here you are" the nice tall blonde waitress smiled to me as she placed my plate of chicken pasta in front of me.

She was about to leave when Alex piped up ordering another round, I made the mistake of looking over at Alex, his eyes immediately found mine when I looked at him, they burned into my heart as I was lost. Emily cleared her throat and I snapped my head in her direction. She gave me a "are you alright" look and I quickly nodded returning to my meal.

Her and Liam seemed a bit awkward as they sat across the table from me, He hadn't really said anything to her all night he was to busy caught in a conversation with Zayn to be even paying attention to her, he only spoke to her once when he asked her to move her chair away from his so he could go to the bathroom, she never moved it back.

Why did this have to happen.

I didn't want to blame myself for Harry's wrong doing, but everything was messed up now, I wanted to forgive him give him yet another chance to mess with me again. I frowned as I looked down at my untouched plate remembering that I was hungry and digging in.


"It was great to see you" Tianna said her farewells to me and Emily as we walked out of the restaurant, she turned to Niall holding his hand as they walked into the dark winter night.

I smiled at them as they walked away when Emily began talking to me.

"Why don't you come over" she asked

I smiled reassuring her that "I was up for that" and we linked arms and walked to the side of the road waiting for Liam who was bringing the car around.

"Finna!!" I heard Alex call after me as I turned around.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked walking closer to us.

"I think you should just leave her alone" Emily answers for me holding her hand out to him not letting him come any closer.

"No it's ok!" I protested nodding my head at her as his eyes snapped up at mine.

" what is it..?" I pulled Alex off to the side.

"Are you ok?" He asked looking at my eyes and then to the ground with his hands deep in his pockets.

"Yeah" I said confused by him. "I'm just going to Emily's" my voice cracked at the end trying not to cry when I looked into his eyes.

"Are you sure you should be going there?"

"What do you mean?.." I asked

"Well Liam and Emily don't seem to be on very good terms right now..."

His words kinda bothered me. Since when did he care about me. But at the same time he was right, who knew Liam could be pissed at me and I really didn't want to be around them when they are fighting.

"Let me drive you.." He offered catching me off guard

I didn't know what I was doing when I nodded my head and went to go tell Emily I was going with Alex, she seemed surprised when I told her telling me to "be careful", which I knew

He opened the passenger side door for me when we arrived at his car, "thank you" I mumbled slowly, feeling weird by his actions climbing into the car.

He got in the other side starting the engine and cranking the heat that blew cold air at first but slowly turned warm.

I looked out the frosted window as more snow fell from the dark sky. The silence between us made my thoughts wonder to the last time I saw Alex, he was much older looking now, but his hair was still the fiery red I remember from that night, his cheeks were still flushed like the way I fell for him. Before I realized it I was staring at him with a Dumb smile on my face.

"Shit!" Alex cussed breaking me from him to the front window.

He hit the steering wheel in frustration as he tried to move the car with no result but spraying fresh snow everywhere. Alex opened his door and began pacing outside, when he returned he let out a sigh running his hands through his hair and turning to me.

"We are stuck..." He said

"You have got to be kidding me!" I thought to myself looking away from him as silence fell over us.

I tried to think of what I should do as we sat here more snow piling around his black vehicle.

"Maybe I should go.." I hesitated shaking as I reached for the handle before Alex stopped me by reaching his long arm across my lap and closing the door

"No" he said as my body went stuff by his movement "we need to talk" he sighed sitting back in his seat.

I brushed my hair out of my face trying to think of something to say.

We did need to talk. All of this was so confusing and talking things through with Alex was something I needed to get off my list so I could move on.

I opened my mouth to speak but Alex seemed to have the same idea.

"I'm sorry" we said in unison and my cheeks burned with embarrassment and Alex just smirked.

"You first" he smiled to me and i couldn't hide the smile on my face.

"I'm sorry you were dragged into this"

"Finna... It's not---"

"Alex it is a big deal" I finished for him

"That's not what I was going to say" he said sternly looking at his hands.
"I was going to say.... That its not your fault"

"Well it is... You don't know me and Harry's relationship in the past" I laughed a little at bad memories that began to play in my head. "He's made to many promises to me that he has broken... And every time he goes and does something like this.... I make excuses and forgive him..." I spilled to Alex. He seemed upset as I talked and he never met my eyes that he seemed to be glued to.

"I'm not being completely honest with you..." He surprised me.

"What...?" I asked in confusion turning my body to face him in my seat.

"Harry was super drunk that night at the club.... and I introduced him to those girls....."

"What" my eyebrows furrowed together as I laughed a little.

"I didn't really think they would go for it... I played the classic have you met Harry?! And before I knew it..." Alex shrugged.

"Wait So why would you tell me about them..." My mind still hasn't put the pieces together." Oh my Gosh!..."

"You broke us up!" I confronted him

"Finna it wasn't like that... I was just----"

"You were just what!!? Jealous?!" I said for him my anger getting the best of my mind at this point. "So you come here.... Find I'm happy with someone else and plan to sabbatoge our relationship... For your own selfish reasons!!?"

"Yeah! Maybe I was jealous about you and Harry! But seeing you for the first time in years brought back those feelings I had for you..."

"Bullshit!" I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

"You just left that night!!! with no sort of contact ... or anything!! Why did you want to forget about it so badly?" He asked

"Because I was young .... and embarrassed..."I raised my voice annoyed.

"What ... Embarrassed of me" Alex seemed hurt.

"That's not what I meant!!" I tried to fix it. "Why did you even come here Alex .... You just broke me and my boyfriend up because you want me back!! You can't just do that... Why would you do that!!?"

"Because I love you Finna!!"

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