Anger Issues

Depuis le début

"Well, do you?" Wesely asked.

"Nope," I said, popping the p.

"Um, Starlet. Can I talk to you?" I heard Xander ask.

"Yea, sure. What's up?" I asked, looking over to my left where he was seated.

"Can I talk to you in private?" He asked.

Xander's p.o.v.

"O-Ok," Starlet said with a slight stutter as she rose from her seat and followed me away from the table.

"Why are you flirting with him?" I asked as soon as we had gotten a good distance from the table and were standing on a balcony alone

"Who?" She asked, playing nervously with a lock of her hair.

"WESELY!" I shouted, which caused her to cringe. I felt a small pang of that douchebag feeling, but I squashed it.

"I-I don't k-know what y-you're t-talking about, X-Xander," She stuttered.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," I growled at her.

   She shrunk away from me, but I grabbed her arms and forced her to step closer to me. I could feel the fear radiating from her as my hands tightened around her arms.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you weren't just in there flirting with Wesley," I said angrily, shaking her slightly.

"I-I wasn't Xander," She chocked, looking away.

"I said look me in the eyes!" I barked at her, grabbing her face and forcing her to look at me.

"P-please, Xander," She whispered.

"If you weren't flirting with him, it should be easy, right?" I spat at her, my grip tightening.

"Alexander, stop!" she cried, catching me off guard with my real name, but only for a second.

"You were flirting with him, weren't you!?" I hissed at her, wanting desperately for her to say no and just accept me as her mate already. I could feel her tears dripping onto my hand.


   I froze, staring at her in shock. This was the first time she called me Alex since second grade. We used to be best friends back then. Inseparable. She was the only one that ever called me that. My mother tried calling me that, but I didn't like it when she said it. I also didn't like the name Alexander, so everyone started calling me Xander instead, which I still didn't like, just not as much.

   In the second grade, she was so lively, her curls bouncing all over the place. I remember the first time we were allowed to play hide and seek in the forest when we were toddlers. She ran through the forest, giggling and hiding behind a tree. Her cheeks were a rosy red and her eyes were lit with happiness.

   Now was completely different. As I looked down at her, the only thing her eyes were lit with was fear. Her curly hair looked limp and lifeless, and her face was drained of all color. I released her slowly, and saw bruises on her arms and face from where I held her. Her face by that point was stained with tears.

"Starlet. I-I don't know what happened. I just, I....I don't know," I tried to explain feebly. I went to touch her face, but she flinched and took a few steps back.

"Don't touch me," she whispered, her voice cracking slightly.

"But Starlet-"

"I said don't touch me, Xander!" She rasped as I tried to take her hand.

Why was she doing this? Why, after I had tried being so nice to her?

"STARLET! XANDER! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!" I heard Trevor call from a few yards away. He was on the other side of the door, so he couldn't see us.

"Starlet, let me explain," I pleaded.

"No, Xander. Everything's going to go back to the way it was, no strings attached. Except for the bullying, bacause that's through. I don't care if you are the alpha's son.Why be mates if I think you're going to hurt me, and you think I flirt with every guy I even say hello to? And maybe I WAS flirting with Wesley, but that's none of your business because there's nothing going on between us, and there never was! It's obvious the moon goddess finally made her first mistake," She said bitterly.

"There you guys are! You ready to go?  Trevor asked, clearly oblivious to the tension in the air.

"Yea, let's go back," Starlet said while still looking at me. Her voice was back to the light, happy tone she normally used, although her eyes showed sorrow and regret.

"Alright, Xander, you coming?" He continued, as if nothing was happening.

"Yea, whatever," I replied distractedly.

   I saw him eying the bruises on her face and arms.

"Starlet?" He said quietly.

"Yea Trevor?" Starlet said.

"Where did those bruises come from?" he asked, causing Starlet's face to pale.

Song of the Chapter: Cloud Nine by Evanescence-----video on side--->

Starlet (Under Heavy Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant