Victor's Pork Cutlet Bowl

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After a passionate kiss the boys finally pulled apart their breath heavy and a strand of saliva connecting their lips. The pair stared in each other's with feelings of wonder. Never before had either experienced something as alluring as this.

Their love, quite ironically, was like a flame. It started with a spark but still wavered with uncertainty, threatening to go out with the smallest gust of wind. The flame however, was also filled with an energy that could make it grow into a bonfire.

"Victor I, I think I..." Yuri began shyly before Victor interrupted him.

"I know Yuri, you don't have to say anything."

The two sat silently for the rest of the plane ride only focused on the person they held between their arms. In their mind the plane was empty, no one else sat on the plane, it was only them and the thousands of miles separating themselves from the world.


"Yuri," Victor called out, wandering down to Yuri's room. "Yuri, let's sleep together," Victor called out once more.

Yuri groggily woke from his sleep to hear Victor calling his name. "Go back to sleep Victor," he responded, unhappy to have been woken from his dream.

Yuri had been having his favourite dream in which he consumed pork cutlet bowls by the hundreds. There was however, one difference from his usual dream. As he ate a man would come up draping arms across his shoulder. It spread warmth throughout his body and sent tingles down his spine. The other man then sat behind Yuri straddling him. For the remainder of his dream Yuri ate pork cutlet bowls while the man hugged him from behind in a warm embrace. For Yuri, this was a very peculiar dream and it would be a few minutes more till he realized just who the man was.

Yuri sat up and to his dismay the persistent Victor had not left him alone to sleep. The door creaked open and in stumbled Victor clearly having just woken up himself. Victor came to a halt right next to Yuri's bed, he then dropped his bottom lip into a pout and began to tear up.

Yuri, still half asleep, began to process what he was seeing; the man from his dream stood before him if that was even possible. His eyes watered and tears dripped down his cheeks. His lips trembled ever so slightly and his hands began to reach for Yuri once more.

It was then that Yuri realized Victor stood before him. He also stumbled upon the memory of their kiss in the airplane. Suddenly all of Yuri's defences and shields fell. His face danced with raw emotion of love and Victor took this as a sign to climb in bed with the man he loved.


Hues of red and orange harshly streaked through the window. Sunlight spotted the room highlighting a bed. The curtains had been left slightly ajar providing a view to the snow beginning to melt with the dawn of spring. Covers shifted within the bed as the single inhabitant struggled to become warm. A cool draft slipped under the covers causing the sleeping man to shiver. The breeze eventually became too much as the man rose from the bed.

"Yuri?" he called out unable to find his boyfriend.

With no reply he swung his feet out from under the covers and begun trotting down the hall.

As Victor entered the kitchen a wafting scent met his nose. It smelled sweet, like syrup. Music floated across the room and an almost illegible Yuri sang along.

"Can you hear, my heart, tired of the feeling, never enough," Yuri mumbled along.

Finally noticing Victor, Yuri turned and let out a gasp in surprise.

"What' ya making Yuri," Victor questioned.

Yuri looked away shyly, peering out of the corner of his eyes to see Victor. Stuttering he answered, "ummm, w-well I t-thought I could uh make you breakfast."

Despite his new found confidence in the rink, every where else he was still rather timid.

Victor's eyes grew wide with joy and before he knew it he had run all the way to Yuri. The Russian gracefully swept Yuri off his feet and the two twirled around the kitchen like ballerinas, or perhaps a skating duet.


The couple sat across from one another about to feast upon the food Yuri had prepared.

"Wait, wait, wait," Victor cut it just before Yuri could take a bite of food.

"I would like to say a word," Victor said giggling.

"I am thankful for the food cooked by my wonderful boyfriend."

At this Yuri began to blush.

Continuing Victor said, "Yuri is the best thing to have entered my life since skating, he's a delicious pork cutlet bowl that I don't deserve one bit. But some how he's mine. And for that I am forever grateful."

By the time Victor finished his speech Yuri was completely entangled within Victor's words. His face had curled into a smile and his eyes sparkled, threatening tears of joy. Unable to find the words to match his feelings Yuri leaned across the table and pulled the Russian's lips towards his own. The pair uncomfortably leaning across the table found themselves locked in a kiss.

After they finally broke apart the returned to the food waiting before them.

Hot butter slowly melted across chocolate-chip pancakes. The fluffy pancakes, sitting in stacks of three, rebounded back as the knife carved down. Both men inhaled deeply, sniffing the sweet syrup before them, and shared a giggle at their identical actions. They devoured the pancakes quickly, captured by the delicious taste.

"Mmmm, Yuri, those were wonderful!" Victor exclaimed.

"Oh, thanks."

"How about a run to the rink, burn off those calories."

"Sure," Yuri replied not quite sure what he was getting himself into.


If you guys see any grammatical or logical errors just let me know cause I don't really edit😁

Also, to all you Americans, happy thanksgiving🦃

Thanks for reading

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