Chapter 57

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So like 2 days ago I stepped on my phone charger (the part that you plug into the wall) and it started bleeding. Yeah, so now it's bruised on the bottom of my foot and it hurts to walk on it. Isn't that just lovely?

Comment. Vote. Stupid phone charger.

Love, El


I just got out of the shower and was in my closet, trying to pick something to wear.

Mom and dad planned to take us out to celebrate my birthday. I honestly didn't know what they were planning on doing, but I didn't want to do anything today.

I looked in my mirror. My brown eyes staring back at me, then slowly looking over my body. I stared at myself for the longest time. Maybe I was ugly.

After slightly lifting my shirt, I looked down and grabbed the skin on my stomach. If I can grab some of my skin I guess I am fat.

Dylan appeared in the mirror, beside me. He looked down to what I was doing then back up to my face. He took my hand away from my stomach and pulled my shirt down.

"Stop." He said.

"I'm not doing anything bad." I looked away from his gaze and to the ground. He sighed and put his hands on my waist, turning me to face the mirror.

"Tell me what you see."

"A fat and and ugly girl with long gross hair. Thunder thighs-"

"You know what I see?" He said interrupting me. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"I don't have time for this, Dylan."

"I see a girl who doesn't listen to what anyone else says. A girl who I am so deeply in love with. A girl that I want to spend my whole life with. A girl who-"

"Where is this going?" I asked looking into his eyes. I knew he meant well and everything he said was how he felt, but right now I didn't want to hear it.

Dylan turned me back to the mirror. My eyes began to gloss and I looked down to my stomach.

"Callie, you're beautiful. Inside and out. Fuck what anyone else says. Fuck her." I smiled a tiny bit and he hugged me from behind. "There's that beautiful smile." I closed my eyes and leaned back into him. "Don't think badly of yourself." He whispered and kissed my ear. "I love you." I opened my eyes and he was watching me.

"Come on you two!" Kyle yelled. I unwrapped Dylan's arms from me and began walking away. He grabbed my arm and spun me to him. I looked up to him and he kissed my nose.

"If you're ugly than so am I." I tried to say something, but he stopped me. "We can be the cutest ugliest couple out there." I laughed and shook my head. He held my chin with his thumb and pointer finger. He looked down to my lips then kissed me, slowly.

"I love you, beautiful."

"I love you." I whispered. He kissed my nose and grabbed my hand.

I know he believes that I'm beautiful and not fat, but I'm not entirely sure that I even believe that. Even if I did, it will take me a while to get over it. Calling someone fat and ugly doesn't go away with a snap of your fingers.

When we got downstairs Lauren turned to me. She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Don't worry. I beat her ass." I smiled and hugged her tighter.

"Come on girls!" Dad said. Lauren and I pulled apart, but held hands. "Time to celebrate the fifth youngest's birthday."

"Hopefully it will be better than my actual birthday." I muttered.

Falling In Love With My Brother's Best Friend (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now