Sadie hugs Chris' leg, "I'm happy you're back too. Are you gonna hang out with us a while?"

"Do you want me to?"


"Then, yes. We'll order a pizza and watch movies, how's that sound?"


"I'm paying for half of that pizza." Melanie says.

"No, you're not, I'll pay for it." Chris says.

Sadie huffs, "Not again." She whines before walking off to find Melanie's phone as Melanie and Chris continue to bicker over who is going to pay for the pizza. She finds Melanie's phone, unlocks it, then calls the pizza place.

"Hey, Mario, it's Sadie...Yeah, Chris and Mom are doing it again and I don't know how long it's gonna take...We're at my house this time...Yeah, the usual, please...Okay, you too. Thanks, Mario." Sadie says before hanging up.

Sadie walks back into the living room and hands Melanie her phone, "I ordered for us."

Melanie and Chris stop what they're doing. Melanie takes her phone, then looks back to Chris.

"We really need to start keeping an eye on her whenever we order pizza."


Later that night. 

They'd been watching "Tangled". Sadie had fallen asleep on Chris, but the adults had actually been more into the movie than she was anyway. (A/N: Tangled spoilers here, sorry.)

Chris gasps, "Did she just stab Flynn?!" He whisper-yells.

"How have you never seen this movie?" Melanie asks.

"My spare time isn't usually spent watching Disney Princess movies." Chris says, "Oh my God can Rapunzel heal him?!"

Melanie laughs.


"It's just entertaining to watch you get all into movies and TV shows the way you do, especially those made for children."

Chris chuckles, "Yeah, I guess that would be kinda funny."

"Yeah, but it's cute too."

"You think so?"


They stare at each other in silence a moment...then Chris glances at the TV in the corner of his eye and his head suddenly snaps towards the screen.

"Did he just fucking cut off her hair?! But she won't be able to heal him! Why did he do that?!"

"So that he could free her and she won't have to be Gothel's slave." Melanie explains.

"But he's gonna die..."

"That's true love, I guess."

"Would you have died for John?"

Melanie sighs.


"No, it's fine...At one point, I probably would have." She says before smiling, "Would you ever die for me, Chris?" She asks, dramatically.

Chris laughs, then grows serious, "Honestly, if it really came down to it...I probably would."


"Well, yeah, Mel. You're the most important person in the world to me."

They stare at each other another moment of silence before Chris again returns his attention to the TV.

To Keep Her Safe is All I KnowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang