Chapter 32

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I stalked to the throne room with both swords in my hands. The sun had set, and the only light provided was that of the flames from my candles. It brushed an eerie glow on my menacing sneer. I threw open the doors and ambassadors looked at me with wide eyes. Other handmaidens, warriors and common people filled the room.

I saw Clifton out of the corner of my eye. Where was his friend? His accomplice? I always had an instinct about people—and this one told me to not let him live to carry out the plan I knew was going to be enacted soon. I ran over to him and time seemed to slow as I shoved my sword into his gut. Screams erupted in the room as my people rushed over the to the wall, keeping away from me. Clifton gripped onto the sword as he choked on his own blood, his mouth agape. I pulled my sword out him and he sunk to the ground. His breathing was strangled and loud until he died.

I looked back at my people across the room. They were terrified of me. Warriors stood in front of them as if they were going to protect them from me. I looked down at Clifton's body, so much like Gustus's, and realized what I had just done.

"Heda, what is this?" Mattoon, the Flokru Ambassador asked. He stepped past the warriors and toward me.

"This is me carrying out my duties." I murmured, staring down at the dead body.

Mattoon sighed and looked back at his fellow Ambassadors. The silence was interrupted by the throne room doors being thrown open yet again. Warriors stormed in, but I didn't recognize them. They weren't Trikru.

And then Luna walked in, her burgundy red hair breezing behind her. The look on her face was not of mercy. I glared at her and saw my people looking at Luna with horror now. They looked back to me expectantly. I swelled with pride. Despite what I had just done, they still relied on me to protect them.

"How did you get out of your cell?" I snarled. I turned to my warriors. "Arrest her."

My warriors moved forward. They were severely outnumbered four to twelve. They fought well, but after a few minutes they crumpled to the floor as Clifton had. I swallowed at their bodies. The only thing protecting my people was me and the few Ambassadors that had training. I gulped and looked up at Luna, who had an infuriatingly satisfied smile plastered on her face.

"What are you doing?" I growled.

"Taking what should've been mine." Luna said. I stumbled. She actually wanted to be Commander this whole time? I felt insanely stupid. I read too much into her. I guess I didn't know her scheming ways as well as I thought I did. She turned to her warriors. "Restrain her."

My heart fluttered with nerves. I raised my swords, ready to fight her warriors. They moved over and attacked. With a yell, I stabbed my sword through one of them, and the other sword slit another's throat. I took care of three more until a sword was knocked out of my hand. A warrior pinned me down, pressing my face against the floor. I looked up at her. She was watching happily, satisfied at the notion of me being degraded in front of my people like this.

I looked over to the ambassadors. They seemed unsure of what to do. They could attack, but Luna's warriors were skilled. If they attacked to defend me, then they would be killed and no one would be left to protect the common people in the room. If she wanted the ambassadors or common people dead, Luna would've already ordered their deaths.

She glanced at a warrior.

"Get the Sky People." She growled.

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