New Character: Narciso Anasui

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When You Meet:

You were friends with Joylne, though you were her close friend out of prison. You often visited her. Until recently Joylne had escaped from prison which you were not aware of it. You were looking through you paperwork that you had while sitting at a local restaurant, suddenly your phone started to ring. Looking at it you raised your eyebrow seeing that it was an unknown number. You pressed the button to answer it while adjusting your papers so you can hold it," Hello who is this?"

You heard a very familiar voice on the other end" (Y/N)!"

You looked surprised it was Joylene that was calling you," J-Joylne How are you?" You smiled.

She chuckled on the other end," Just fine... Hey I have a favor think that you can drive me and a few friends somewhere?"

You nodded and after you agreed you drove to where Jolyne asked you to pick them up. You parked your car in front of an abandoned and walked to go see Joylne to tell her you were here. Getting through the entrance of the place a tall figure stood in front of you, upon impact you ended up stumbling back and soon caught your balance.

He glared at you examining you, after awhile she crossed his arms," Who are you?"

You got a better look at him," I'm a friend of Joylne... she told me to come here."

He scoffed a bit and turned around," As if she is friends with you, but anyways I will go and get her." You eye twitched a bit as he walked off and got Joylene and a couple of other people. Joylene ran and hugged you and you hugged her back receiving a glare from the mysterious friend of Joylenes. You shrugged it off and took everyone to your house. It was little out of the range of the town and it was enough room for everyone.

As of right now you were making food for everyone, you ended up hearing someone lean on the counter next to you. Looking to the side you saw it was the guy from earlier," So mind telling me your name?"

He looked down at you and adjusted and turned his to the side a bit," Anasui.. You must be (Y/N) Correct? Joylne talks a lot about you." his eye slightly twitched at the last part of the sentence.

You snorted a bit and looked up at him which caused him to look curious at your reaction," Yes it is now come on help me set up lunch." He exhaled looking away which you can already tell he was a stubborn one. You started to pick up the plates, he saw that you were picking up a bit more than you can handle and he took some of the items out of your reach and helped you set up after that everyone ate lunch.

When You Two Hang Out:
Everyone was out doing their own thing while you were sitting on your couch having your back against the arm rest. You were reading a book that you had been dying to finish it. Flipping through a few more pages you were interrupted by someone playing with your hair while they were leaning on the back of the couch. You looked up and saw it was Anasui who looked bored.

You raised your eyebrow," I thought you were off with the others. what are you doing here?"

He tilted his head a bit while twirling your hair in between his fingers," I was but I got bored and came back. What are you reading?" You told him and you both ended up chatting for awhile. Eventually he started getting a bit bored. Suddenly he got up and grabbed your wrist and pulled you along as he walked.

You were surprised and followed him," H-Hey where are you taking me."

He looked at you slightly from over his shoulder," Out. It is getting a bit boring just sitting around and watch you read." He ended up dragging you around to various stores. While you were looking at things you wanted to by he had pick pocketed a few people here and there. While he was watching you closely. After a few hours of shopping you were driving around the city.

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