Chapter 2 - Zany's POV

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I awoke. I found myself trapped behind grey stripes as I breathed in the foul stench of...flesh.

And that's what scared me.

All I remembered was that argument with Loopy...The fact that I had lost him broke my heart. After what happened, I knew he wouldn't bother to try and find me. I wasn't the best, I knew I wasn't; I was going to die here.

And then my thoughts broke as I watched a silhouette bounce towards me underneath a tiny, bright crack below. The room was lit as the darkness blew away, making me realize my prison was covered by a thick, black blanket. My eyes squinted as they got used to the unexpected brightness. The figure was a bright green with knives as fingers on one hand; in the other hand, a chainsaw was revealed and his face was covered by a clean hockey mask. The sight of him made me shiver as he stepped closer towards the bars.

'Good evening, Zany.' the stranger said. I couldn't see it, but I was sure he was smirking behind that mask of his. I cringed.

'How do you know my name...?'

'Oh, I know everything about my victims...'

A silence occurred as my eyes followed the kidnapper's every move. I watched him trudge towards a table, full of many masks, chainsaws and those...scissor gloves...And then I shivered again. The taker looked back at me as I jumped.

'How rude of me...I never introduced myself, did I?'

I gulped, thinking to myself that I didn't really want to know. The only thing I wanted to have was freedom.

'My name is Clod; I'm a psycho killer, and I have decided that you're next.'

The Warm Storm [A LOOPY X ZANY FANFICTION]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat