Chapter 7~ Sleepover at Natsu's pt 2

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I just passed 100 reads....

* throws confetti *

I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking your time for reading my story! Thank you ! Thank you!

I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking your time for reading my story! Thank you ! Thank you!

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Now back to the story

[y/n]- your name
[L/n]- last name
[bf/n]- best friend's name
[m/n] - moms name
[d/n]- Dad's name
[h/c] - hair color
[e/c]- eye color
[f/c]- favorite color

[y/n]'s POV

I looked down at Natsu and he looked at me. The world felt like it was gone and we were the last two survivors. ' what am I feeling? I never experienced it before.' I thought to myself. I had no control over my body. It felt like if I was being controlled by a voodoo doll. It seemed that Natsu was the same way. Then my body began to move on it's own. My hand was aiming for his cheek my eyes still locked on only his. Then I heard a knock on the door. It snapped us out of our gazes and motions. I stood up quickly and the door opened to reveal Natsu's brother Zeref in a apron?

" Dinner's ready I'd get it now while it's warm." Zeref said before going back downstairs. " Yeah...I'm getting hungry." I say quickly leaving Natsu in the room and going downstairs to eat.

Natsu's POV

Before I knew it [y/n] quickly left to go downstairs. ' what happened to me why couldn't I move' I thought to myself. I walked over to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I saw the color pink on my cheeks. " What's this go back to your normal color!" I said splashing my face with water, trying to see if the pink will come out.

The moment replayed in my head and my face became red. ' What the heck just happened?!'

[y/n]'s POV

Zeref made some chicken noodle soup, the aroma of the soup filled my nose. Zeref used a kitchen spoon to scoop up the soup and placed in a bowl. He handed the bowl to me and pointed at the dining table. " Thank you Zeref." I said while taking a seat.

"Your welcome [y/n]." Zeref said taking a seat across from me. I heard footsteps come down the stairs and I turned to see Natsu with his face wet and bits of his hair wet. " D-don't ask..." He only says. So I turned around in my chair to see Zeref locking his lips.

Natsu scooped himself some soup and sat next to Zeref who was already finished with his meal. Zeref stood up and set his plate in the sink. " Your turn for dishes tonight Natsu." Zeref said leaving the room after hearing a ding on his phone.

Natsu just rolled his eyes and then looked at me. He gave me a smile and continued eating. I took a slurp of a noodle that ended up smacking my nose.

Natsu's POV

I looked up and saw a noodle hit [y/n] on the tip of her nose. I started to laugh and she gave me a innocence smile. ' That smile is so adorable. Wait what am I thinking ?! Get these thoughts out of your head Natsu!' I slapped my own face after that thought. " Natsu don't do that!" I heard y/n say. I looked up at the concerned girl. " Sorry. " I said picking up her dish and mine to go wash.

I turned on the faucet and played one of my favorite song covers. ( play the song )

I turned and smiled at [y/n] to come join me and she understood and picked up the soap bottle and started washing the dishes with me.

Zeref's POV

" Mira are you getting this?" I whisper to Mira through my headphones. All I could hear were squeals and fangirling.

" This is going in my shipping shrine !" I heard her squeal and taking screenshots. I rolled my eyes and told her to hurry up. " Mira are you done I need to talk to~"

" Mavis ! Oh my gosh! I remember my shrine for that so much fanart!" I heard Mira say. I blushed and told her to shut up.

" Well thank you Zeref ( ship name) will happen !!!" I heard Mira say before ending the FaceTime call. " I bet Natsu has no clue what he's feeling right now." I whisper to myself.

Natsu's POV

' What the heck am I feeling !'

Credits to artists also don't mind I used a mep😂 credits to the editors

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