Chapter 8

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He was awoken by a slap on the head by non other than...


Jesus Foster.

"What's going on?" Brandon asked looking confused

"mom's are going to kill you. Your lucky I got here first"

" we didn't do anything, Callie had another nightmare and would not let go of me,  just like now." Brandon said as he tried to move.

"BRANDON FOSTER WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Stef yelled as she, Lena, Marianna, and Jude walked into the room

"SHHHH..." Brandon said." She just fell back asleep"

"what are you doing laying in a bed with her... AGAIN!"

"She had a  another nightmare and wont let go of me."

"Callie, Callie Wake up." Lena coxed

"NO! NO!" Callie said in her sleep as she buried her head farther into Brandon's chest

"Callie its ok wake up..." Brandon said softly

Callie started to wake up.

"what's going on?" Callie asked

"we came to pick you up."  Stef said

"Oh.." Callie said still tired

"So Callie may leave but will have to stay off of her ankle for the next two weeks due to it being sprained."

"OK. Callie replied

"Ok, Nurse grab a wheelchair!" the doctor yelled down the hall.

" its ok I will carry her out." Brandon said.

Brandon picked Callie up and started walking to the car.

" Why are you being so nice to me." Callie said as tears started falling down her face.

"Callie, What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"you are being so nice to me" Callie says between sobs

"Callie I love you."


" I love you" Brandon said looking into Callie's eye. He leaned in and gently place his lips on Callie's. Then pulled back. 

" Sorry I shouldn't have do--"

Callie interrupted Brandon's ramble with her lips on his. After 20 seconds she pulled back.

" I love you too Brandon."

Brandon put Callie in the back of the car and got in next to her. Right behind him Jesus, Lena and Stef got into the car. They had a hour car ride. Callie soon fell asleep and laid her head  in Brandon's lap.





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