Chapter 33: They Came To The Rescue.

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Alexa pov***

"What you going to do, hit me? Christopher joked.

"Or even better kill me?" He joked again.

"No, I'll not put my hands on you" Joel simply said.

Christopher raised his eyebrows at him.

"But someone else will" he added while Christopher and zabdiel looks at him clueless.

Thats when you hear the cops kicking the door down.

I quickly rush to my brother.

"Joel" I said scared.

He hugged me tight.

"Is okay I'm here" he said.

"Everyone put your hands up!" the cops said.

Erick walked in with them.

"Is them!" he said while pointing to Christopher and zabdiel.

The cops quickly arrested them.

"E-Erick?" I asked while sobbing.

"How did you knew about this?" I asked.

"Joel left a camara hidden, and he saw Christopher coming here, so he told me to call the cops." Erick said.

I couldn't believe all this is happening right now.

I was finally happy that all this nightmare was over.

"We will need all of yall to come to testified against them" one of the cops said.

We all nodded.

"Is it okay if I can make a call first?" Joel asked.

"Sure, we will give you three minutes" the cop said.

Joel stepped away to make that call which I'm assuming he's calling our mom.

Joel POV***

I decided to call my mom to let her know what's going on.

After the third ring she answered.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Mom, listen carefully. Erick, Alexa and I are going to the police station to testify against Christopher and zabdiel. They're finally paying for what they had done to all of us, specially to my sister." I said.

"Is everyone okay?" she asked.

"Yes, we're all fine" I said.

"I'm on my way there, please Joel take care of your sister, and Erick." She said.

"I will bye mom" I said while I hang up.

I like how my mom would care for Erick so much like if he was actually another child to her. He's like another member of this family now, specially because he's now dating my sister.

The next day****

We were all finally home, and I was happy that were all finally over this nightmare.

I can see my sister is relief from this, and so am I.

I can tell that she's happy now, and finally looking forward to a new and better life with Erick, and I really wish them the best now. She deserve something good, and if  That's my best friend. Then I'm okay with them being together.

Hey guys!
I'm not sure if I should end this here or make a better ending. Yall let me know!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2016 ⏰

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