Chapter 25: Lurking Suspicions

Start from the beginning

"that sounded almost sappy boss" this came from Z "You've villainous over the last few days. And to say you're trying to save people, you don't hesitate in killing them" the blonde man turned to Z

"is there a problem with my methods?" before Z could blink she felt a, pincer like grip on her neck and her body smashed into awall.

Z, on instinct, put her hands on the grip choking seeing the blonde man being the culprit. His grip was tight, steadily choking the life out of her. The blonde man than spoke "if you have a problem with my goal...then you are unnecessary. Only those who are with me..." Z continued to struggle "will deserve this plan" Drake continued reacted

"Boss, if I may, she was merely asking in curiosity" said Drake, although nervous, trying to sound confident "we have no intention of straying from the cause" the blonde then turned back to Z as her arms started to go limp

" you wish" the blonde man let go and Z gasped for air "reports tell me that the Cirrus boy and his friends will have arrived by now. We initiate the plan at sunset...then the world...will finally be free" and with that he walked off.

Z had to lean on the wall as she inhaled, needed, breaths of air "what the...heck happened then?"

"I...I don't know" said Drake looking confused himself "Over the last few days the Boss can only be described as evil. His goal and methods just seem to contradict each other"

"A saviour who doesn't hesitate to kill people. What the heck!?" Z was back at normal breathing speed but was rubbing her neck "you know what's creepy...for that one brief moment as he grabbed my neck. I could feel..." Z actually shivered "him"

"you refer to...the demon?" said Drake in a low voice "so...I wasn't imagining it. I do not know who the..." Drake almost appeared to be scared of saying the word "demon is. But I'll tell you one thing...never in my life...have I felt the fear of death...until that moment"

Back to Tema and company, the bright light ceased and all opened their eyes to the world before them. The feeling of extreme surprise just made them all silent to the world which was present to them. The city of Nova Aerris appeared to be long yellows roads, amongst the tops of black buildings forming a labyrinth of paths for the populace to travel along.

They appeared to be, way over where the floor should be in this city. As they looked to the distance they could see the buildings go much further down to the apparent floor below. The roads appeared to be made out of yellow polished stone, but they all had gaps through the middle, allowing fresh water to surge through the whole city.

At either side of the roads were small plots of land, in many places, each one with thick green grass, trees and flowers blooming in a variety of colours. The water, appeared to either sprout out of small sprinklers gently dousing the plants or sprouting out of large finely sculpted fountains which were present at the centre of each intersection of this town.

The people, all walking around peacefully conversing with one another, were all dressed in similar fashion to one another. The men would wear shirts, tuxedos or fancy jackets, smart dark pants and often a top hat. The ladies would wears robes, and long, big dress'. They were children amongst the populace but they just dressed similarly to the adults.

Below them, flying through the skies were many hovering vehicles all going to different places of the wondrous city. And between some of the buildings there appeared to be, clear, tubes which people seemed to just travel along between them.

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