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I wanted to tell you three words that night we sat under the stars.
As I held your hand and drew shapes into your palms
As I memorized the outline of your body and every feature of your face.
As I watched your eyes scan across the night sky taking in every star and every constellation.
It clicked in my mind that I did love you.
That night I didn't do much star gazing because you were suddenly my whole world.
It was you that captured my thoughts and didn't let go not the stars.
I would have told you that night those three little words.
Hell I would have screamed from the rooftops that I loved you.
But then you turned your head to me and said those devastating words.
You stopped my whole body, stopped my very heart from beating.
I couldn't tell you I loved you then, when I knew you were on the complete opposite end.
I loved you that night under the stars,
but that will stay there and it will never go beyond that spot because you could never love me back.

author's note: once again shout out to brynn for the writing prompt. I'm still up for taking any of your suggestions and ideas just let me know and I'll get right on it :) happy reading

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