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"Get over her man she's just some girl she's not worth it let's just go."

"That's the thing man she's not just some girl. She makes my heart beat faster, and skip a beat I swear it isn't healthy. Her smile has me transfixed I bet it could fix any one's problems. Her eyes man, those eyes, it's like they're suddenly my favorite color. I see them and suddenly I'm frozen and lost in those deep blues. Her laugh, her voice it's like I could listen to it on repeat. She's become my favorite song. She's so much more to me than just a girl man, she's like my whole world. Every dream, every future I see she's in there and she's the main feature. Man since the day I first saw her I can't get her out of my head. If you think I'm crazy then so be it call me insane, and throw me in an institute I don't care. As long as I could still see her everyday I could never care. Dude she's not just a girl to me."

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