Chapter 22

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A/N: So I feel bad for wanting to end this story so soon so, eh? Why not continue it regardless? It's not fair to you peeps so I'll continue writing. This one is short though so bare with me.

We managed to get back to camp and find the boat Raven and Lexa arrived on. Jasper and Bellamy decided to stay back on the island to explore more. I agreed and so then we off.

It was dark, and cold. You'd think one would've gotten used to being a prisoner but no. I'd always check up on Jess, I just hope both of us make it through. We haven't had food or water in two days. I want to give up, I just want it to end. Everything in my body aches, is in pain. But I must stay strong. For Lexa, for Clarke, and for Jess.

According to Raven, it takes about two days to get back to Polis. Until then it'll be complete silence. I was sitting next to Lexa, and eventually I was leaning against her. Monty and Octavia were sitting across from us. Monty then decided to talk.
"I hope Aden is alright." Monty says looking at Lexa for a little bit and then stared back down to the ground.
I looked over to Lexa and waited for her to respond. She was worried I could tell, but she wouldn't show it. She never would.
"Aden is Nightblida, just like me, he's strong, and he'll make it." Although the response was to reassure Monty Aden was alright, it felt more like Lexa was talking to herself. 
"I hope Jess is alright too." I hear Octavia say softly. I look over at her shocked. She hasn't talk really since we were looking for Jess.
"Why'd you take her in?" I asked and she shrugged.
"She reminded me so much of myself when I was younger, kept away from the world." I nodded at that response and went back to resting my head on Lexa, interlocking our fingers together.
We normally weren't this open about our feeling towards each other, but it'd be a long ride, might as well make time go by somehow.

I heard a door creak open and quickly my head spun to the source of the sound. And then there was a light, it was a torch I presumed.
"What do you want?"  I asked but there was no response. I then finally got a good look at who was holding the source of light, it was a little girl. I'd say no older then eight years old.
She put her torch down and pulled something out, it was water. My instincts then kicked in as I started pulling on my chains in hopes that she'd give me some.
The little girl quickly steps back and I stop pulling on the chains and sigh.
"Beja." I plead. The girl looked at me and then back at the water she had. She then walked over to me and pulled the cap off. She put it too my mouth and I quickly started to gulp down the sweet, cold, liquid.
The little girl pulls away and turns around, grabbing the torch.
"Hod up!" I yell, she turns and looks at me.
"Chit em choj op?" Jess needs water too.
"Chon?" The girl asks in a tiny voice. I then attempt pull my chains so it's pointing to where Jess is. The little follows and puts the torch light towards that way and then I see chains, just chains, no Jess. Where'd she go?

A/N: So this will be the new format for now. I hope you enjoyed it. Also let me just explain why I didn't like this story. So technically this is sort of the first story I've written that has gotten "popular" and it's a lot to take in. As some of you know, I'm only twelve years old. (I turn 13 on Friday so just, yeah) and my writing skills are eh. And as I re-read the story it just felt so wrong. I definitely feel like my writing has improved greatly since the first chapter of this story. I just didn't like the way I wrote the story and not the story line itself if that makes any sense. So starting from this chapter hopefully my writing improves and gets a bit more detailed. I hope you guys have a great thanksgiving and if you don't live in America well... have a good week I guess. I'll try to update by next week. Peace out!

Side note: Y'all should read my other story, it get's to Clexa... eventually, you must be patient.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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