Wait can they even hear me? I don't think so. But I'm not going to risk it. Not when its this quiet.

"Whatever." he mumbled.

"Well goodnight Hikari sweet dreams." I said getting up from his bed.

"No... Don't leave. Why don't you stay a little while more." he was nervous. Smiling I nodded.

"Ok but once you're asleep I'm gone, deal?"


He scooted over to make room for me to lay down next to him.

"Goodnight Miyuki."

"Goodnight Hikari." I hugged him protectively once we were comfortable, he hugged me back.

Its times like these that I've always wanted to have with you Hikari. Why did they have to take me from my family, but I'd gladly do it again if it meant my family was safe.

Sakura's POV

I heard someone talking in the room Sasuke and Hikari are staying in, so I got up to go check on them.

Maybe they aren't able to sleep and they need a little snack.

Opening my room door I headed down the hallway and into my husband and child's room. Once I was standing in front of the door all I heard was a 'Goodnight' and something else I didn't really catch from Hikari. Opening the door I smiled.

Sasuke must have been talking to Hikari.

He looks so peaceful. I can't remember the last time I've seen him so at peace.

Closing the door quietly I headed back to my room and finally drifted off to sleep.

Miyuki's POV

Once I heard Sakura's footsteps I fell on the floor.

How do I get out of this world. Coming here was an accident. At least I got to see my family but still how is this even possible?! Could it have been him? No he isn't that generous.

I was pacing back and forth trying to figure out how to solve my problem.

The morning

Well I'm still here, but this time I'm not exactly in the Uchiha compound but in the village.

Since no one can see me except maybe Shisui-nii, Itachi, Fugaku, Obito, Sasuke and Hikari. Hopefully none of them are out here.

I forgot how lively it was in the hidden leaf village. All the kids running around with their friends. People talking to each other about their recent activities. A blond kid painting the Hokage faces... Wait what?

Looking at the blond painting on now the current Hokage, Naruto, I noticed that must be Boruto. I laughed. He reminds me of Naruto when we were his age. Always getting in trouble for the stupidest things. Sometimes he even dragged me with him. Sasuke would be furious when we got back to academy. He always hated when I hung around Naruto, since when I'm with him we always get into some type of trouble.

Hikari's POV

I woke up to take Sarada to the academy. When I woke up Miyuki wasn't here. I guess I should have expected that, but still. When she's around I feel safe and relaxed like nothing bad will ever happen to me.

When I finished taking a shower, changing, brushing my teeth and last fixing my hair I headed towards the dinning room where everyone was sitting at.

"Sarada are you ready to go yet?" I asked.

"What? You haven't even ate breakfast big brother." she said.

"It's ok Sarada I'll eat when I come back or I'll just get something from the village." I explained.

"At least eat an apple." mom handed me a clean apple.

"Alright. Well bye mom bye dad I'll be back in a couple minutes." dad nodded while mom gave me and Sarada a hug.

Time skip

When I dropped Sarada back at the academy I decided to walk around the village for a little while. I haven't done this in well never. At least I can't remember.

I also can't remember having so many girls following me asking me questions every two seconds.

Ignoring them I kept walking until I saw a certain jet black haired women in a white dress. She turned to look at me and smiled.

What the heck is she still doing here?!

She turned back to the direction she was originally walking in.

Is she ignoring me or something?! Or does she want me to follow her.

"I obviously want you to follow me Hikari." she said in my head.

She can do that too?!

"Yep." with that I followed her.

We arrived in the forest from before. This time there weren't many trees around us. It looked better too.

"So what are you still doing here." I asked. She frowned and faked cried.

"I thought. You wanted. Me here." she said between her crying.

"I know you're not actually crying. Now seriously what are you doing here?" this time I asked with a more serious tone.

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