Cats are Bae

30 6 16

I love cats.

I really really really reallllllyyyy do.

Sad part...



I love their intense eye glare, their swift moves, their gentle purrs, their adorable meows, their way of life of just taking it easy, and their famous myth of nine lives baby! 

Sometimes I wish I was a cat 🐱

But nooooooooooooooooooooo

I had to be allergic to them -.-  :'(

Even dogs. 🐶 *single tear drop*

All animals.

Even the grass. 😭

But ain't nothing gonna stop me from having a animal. If it weren't for my parents I would have a zoo. I really love animals especially cats.

If I don't get married and you hear in the news of a woman living in a mansion with 49 cats....

That's probably me.


Eh probably if married the cats will be my babies no matter what. 💖

Other than that,

CATS ARE BAE 💗❤💚💜💙💛💖💝💓💕💞💘

And I love you if you love cats 😂

eh doesn't matter, I love everyone!



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