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(Yes those are blackberries in the picture)

My first day of Volunteering. Resetting old phones.

A lot of Fun(sarcasm).
seriously, I've been doing this for four hours now and I've only gotten maybe 6 done and whole box to do later.
Either way I have to do this for another 6hrs
At least I'm not bored.

It's not the worst thing ever it just takes forever
Especially the iphone. You gotta put in the wrong password a bunch of times until it wipes(unless you have the correct password,which I don't, you can go into settings and do it that way). And if you have an I phone you know what it does when you lock it out.

I'm probably going to be doing scanning later or something

Enough about me

How is your day/night/ etc.

You are amazing 🎉🎉💠✨✨✨✨

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