Summer Love

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I was sitting outside by my pool swimming with my my best friends Ashley and Trojan practicing for are swim meet.

"Shay can we talk"

My heart pounding.

"What's up Ashley?" I said with my white girl voice but I'm really half Filipino.

"We'll you know my sister that lives in California we'll I talked to her and there a summer job open up for use. So do you wanna do it."

Yes a thousand times yes but just let me talk to my mom about it.

"Hey mom can I go to California with Ashley for a summer job, yes if only her parents will watch.

Awsome, this summer is going to be the best thank you, thank you. I love you.

She said yes. great that's amazing let's start packing. We both headed up stairs and packed my suit case.

We came back down hey mom I'm staying over at Ashley's tonight because were leaving for California in the morning.

Ok honey.

Me and Trojan and Ashley was at Ashley's we all put are bag in her room for the morning oh yea Trojans going to there was a spot for her. Then we all fell on Ashley's bed laughing and feeling excited for tomorrow.

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