Madison, the new bully?

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Auroranossen on Twitter and Instagram - I will be posting illustrations!

Madison, the girl who was related to Draco, passed her in the hall with her nose up in the air. "Gryffindork." Madison mumbled under hear breath. She wanted to say something back, but her father was in Slytherin so it felt wrong.

"I am not going to start easy on you, even though the other teachers might feel differently." Professor Moody said. His false eye studied them. Phil lent forward and looked at him with big eyes, clearly very interested.

"Therefore I have decided that we can start with a little demonstration." He said and his scarred face quirked upwards in a grin. Millie sank a little further down on her stool.

When the class ended Phil went on and on about how cool he thought Moody was, while Millie looked pale.

"I don't think I feel very well." She mumbled."

"But transfiguration is next." Bella said, looking worriedly at her friend. The only thing moody had done was to compel a spider to jump up and down on his desk. The rest was just writing. When Bella had glanced over at Millie's parchment, and earned a few minus points for it, she noticed her friend hadn't written anything.

"Never mind her. Sometimes I don't get what it is with that girl. Phil said and Bella glared at him.

"What?" He said stupidly, but her glare was soon directed on another person.

"Hallo Weasley, feeling rather down lately?"

"What is that supposed to mean Malfoy?"

Madison grinned. "I honestly thought that your family had reached the lowest point on what they had to go around in at school. But I guess I was wrong. You must make them bankrupt." Madison laughed. Phil's ears turned scarlet read.

"Wait Phil, don't." Bella warned and grabbed Phil's robe.

"I am going to- just wait-" He mumbled.

"Oh are you scared little redhead?" She said. Bella glared at her.

"I don't remember you being so confident a few weeks ag- Phil no!" Before she could finish her sentence Phil had leaped forward, when. "Mr Weasley." A cold voice spoke and they all froze. Millie grinned. "Don't you think you have other things to attend?" Snape spoke to Millie.

"Yes Sir." She said and sent them a smirk when she turned around.

"Well well, Weasley. Out attacking people, are we?" He said slowly and folded his arms as a gigantic bat.

"No I was just-"

"Silence!" Snape barked, making both of them jump. His eyes wandered over to where Bella was standing, biting her lip.

"You," He said, his eyes just cracks. "Go to class." Bella didn't dare to object and sent Phil an apologetic glance, before she hurried out the hall.

"He said I was a 'troubled child who needed to learn how to control myself' and then he said he was going to write a note to Filch, who were going to find a proper punishment for a 'student like you'" Phil mimicked professor Snape's cold voice.

Bella didn't reply much, only took a mouthful of her dinner.

"I mean what is wrong with him. He must hate me and he must have heard what Malfoy said about my family."

"Can you stop it! Are you completely stupid?" Millie spoke for the first time since professor Moody's class. Phil was startled by her sudden outburst. "You are after all talking about Bella's father. Can't you see that you are offending her?"

Phil snorted and looked over at Bella, who was struggling to hold herself neutral. Millie and Phil began arguing while Bella ate her dinner in a hurry so she could escape them.

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