Yeah, I'm EVIL. What's your POINT? (3)

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Yeah, I'm EVIL. What's your POINT?

Chapter 3

"Where did you find her?" asked a man with a gruff voice.

"On the road." another voice said. I knew the second voice, but I couldn't put my finger on where I'd heard it before. It was like honey, sweet, smooth and golden. I wondered who they were talking about. I had been laying there pretending I was asleep for a good half hour, just listening to the conversation of two faceless men. "She was face down on the road in her own blood."

"And you say you know her personally but she's been missing for almost a year?"

"Yes," said the sweet voice.

"And how did you know her before she disappeared?" stupid gruff voice. Let Mr. Honey-Voice talk. Wait, Mr. Honey-Voice? Was I high?

"She was my best friend." Said the guy who's voice was very possibly making me loopy. "We've known each other for a long time. Our parents were best friends."

"Are her parents going to be here soon?"



"Her dad died in Iraq when she was an infant and her mom was killed in a car accident when she was 14."


"Yeah, it was hard on both of us. My mom was in the car with her mom."

"I'm sorry."

"No problem."

"Did the doctors tell you anything about her injury?" Asked the man with the gruff voice.

"Not much. Just that she got shot and the bullet hit a vein." Said the nicer voice. "They said she's lucky it didn't hit an important vein." Ha, vein. Vein is a funny word, I thought to myself.

"Was there any hint as to who could have shot her around where she was laying when you found her?"

"I wasn't really focused on searching for clues when Mel was bleeding out." Mel? that's my name. Did I get shot? I couldn't remember. Everything was fuzzy around the edges in my mind. I focused all my energy to my memory.

It all came rushing back to me. Images of the blond boy shooting me and O'Neil telling me to run. Memories of falling on my face and not being able to get back up. The pain... I whimpered quietly and the two men stopped talking. Footsteps came towards me and I pushed my head back into the soft fluffy thing holding it. A pillow, I reminded myself. My side hurt a lot. I whimpered again and the silky honey voice said, "Mel? Are you awake?" I shook my head slowly.

"No." I moaned. "I am still asleep. Shut up." Both voices chuckled.

"Good old Mel." said honey voice. "Mel. open your eyes."

"No." I said stubbornly. I was tired and my throat hurt. "I said I'm sleeping."

"Melanie Royster, open your eyes please." the gruff voice commanded. I rolled my head towards the gruff sound and opened my eyes slowly, glaring at the old man standing to my left.

"Do I know you?" I asked meanly.

"No." he said. "But I need you to answer a few questions."

"Aw, but I didn't study for the quiz today." I said in a loopy manor. Whoa, I honestly didn't know what was wrong with my brain. "What the hell did I just say that for?" I asked in a peeved voice. The honey voice laughed and I realized that he was still there on the other side of my bed.

"That would be the drugs." the voice said. Drugs. I thought about that word for a moment not recognizing it through the fog in my mind. it came to me and I shot up in the bed.

Yeah, I'm EVIL. What's your POINT? (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat