Chapter 25 part 3

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Chapter 25 part 3


Everything became clear to me. I remembered the cruel tests and conditioning I was forced to take part in. Everyday I was forced to take various medicines and ate little food.
I was technically treated like a pet.

I hugged my knees to my chest and buried my face in my arms. My life before was horrible, it was a life not worth living but I was saved. I should've treated my parents better and be more grateful.

When I looked up I saw the little girl sitting in front of me.

"It's not fair. You were just a child." I reached for her hand and squeezed it. Hot tears rolled down my face, I could feel the same pain that we endured.

"So are you." In her hand she held the strain of beads.
"This belonged to the real mother."

She handed it over, placing it in my palms with great care. I remembered the first day my mother gave this to me. It happened the day before I went missing. I clutched it tightly to my chest.

"What's going to become of us now?" I asked her.

She shook her head and tightly shut her eyes, squeezing tears out.

"I think you already know the answer to that. Whether you wake up or not, the outcome will still be the same. Life is going to show no mercy to you." She frowned.

"No, it won't. They wouldn't just kill me on the spot. We're talking about our family and friends here."

"Are you sure that doctor is your friend?" The little girl let go of my hand.

"Well... he said.." I was confused whether I could turst him now. After all the experiments and torture I've been through, how could I trust this man?

"However said that your family and friends were the ones to kill you." She sighed.

"Is there any way fro me to escape my fate? I made a promise to someone. I wanted to marry him and move the tribe to the walls."

"I'm not sure if thats the best idea right now."

"Please Great Spirits, I know this time. I actually feel something towards him. He's my only light now, I really do love him!" I folded my hands together and prayed.

The little girl moved over to sit beside me. She put her arms around me as I prayed.

"Do you truly love him?" she asked

"I do, I really really do." I cried.

When she let go of me, I noticed that she got a bit older. She was probably Kai's age now.

"Love's strange. Be careful of love because it will be the death of you." she smiled wearily.

The girl got up and began to walk away from me. The further she got, the bigger the light in the distance grew.

"Wait, Cheoki! Wait!" I cried out to her. The girl turned around with the light shining brightly behind her. It made it impossible to see her face.

"You've been in here for too long. Wake up, Cheoki. Wake up." her voice began to change sounding more like a guy's voice.

The light flashed brighter almost blinding me. Everything became pure white. The echoes of voices roamed in the air, telling me to wake up non-stop.

"Everybody, keep moving! We can out run them!" Erwin's voice echoed.

"It's about time you guys showed up." Levi said dully. From the sound of his voice, the ends of my lips curled into a smile.

"You found me." I chuckled in relief. The nightmare was over, I was back. I slowly closed my eyes, I was now able to sleep in peace.

I felt the nice cool air breezing by and the warmth of the sun touching my skin. It seemed so heavenly, I thought I was still in a dream. But when I opened my eyes, I saw the trees looking down at me. It's been such a long time since I've seen them.

I was so excited to see the trees that it took me a while to notice that I was still being carried. I looked up at his face with a smile.

"Had a good rest?" He asked with his dry sarcasm.

"LEVI! It's really you!" I squealed, hugging him tighter and ruffling his hair. I wanted to be sure that this was no dream.

"Well, well, well if it isn't sleeping beauty!" Hanji ran up to us with a great hug.

"Hanji, it's great to see you! How long was I asleep?"

"You've been out for about a week and you've been missing for about a week or so as well."

"So where are we going?" I looked up at Levi.

"I was going to take you and the team to the ocean. Everyone here is filthy from the last fight." Levi looked down at me, he was disgusted from the blood stains on my skin. I was so shocked to see them that I actually jolted from looking at my dress.

"Exactly my reaction." He began to walk again. Hanji followed right beside him, checking my pulse and asking how I felt.

When we reached the beach, everybody was already there playing in the water and sand. Eren noticed us and ran over.

"Captain I-" he froze when he saw me.
"Cheoki, your awake! Welcome back!" he smiled.

"Eren, it's great to see you again!" I smiled, blocking the sun from my eyes.

"This place is amazing! I can't believe we're here! Can you stand?" Eren asked with his eyes glowing with joy.

Levi carefully put me down. I clung on to him because once my feet touched the ground, my legs became wobbly. I fell to knees but Levi lifted me up and decided to carry me for the rest of the way there.

Everyone greeted and welcomed me back. Mikasa, Krista and Sasha volunteered to help wash off the blood on my body. That day we all played on the beach until sunset.

I sat on the shore, watching everyone run around and laugh. Levi sat beside me along with Erwin, who came in a while later. Levi handed me fruits and urged me to keep on eating, noticing that I did get a lot skinnier in my time of absence.

"Why can't everyday be this peaceful?" Erwin sighed. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry for all the trouble I put you guys through. My tribe attack you, then imprisoned you and then you guys were attacked by wolves." Erwin smiled and patted my head.

"We're a team, aren't we? A team looks out and care for each other." I smiled at his reply and rested my head on Levi's shoulder. In response he ruffled my hair.

The team ran over to us and surrounded us with smiles on their faces.

"Hey brats, what do you want?" Levi asked

"Lighten up, Levi! Your team has a surprise for you!" Hanji giggled.

In front of us, Armin and Eren handed us oyster shells. Armin knelt in front of me and watched me open mine. Inside our oysters were huge pearls. Mine was a beautiful pink and white while both Erwin and Levi had gorgeous black ones. I gasped at it's beauty.

"I-I don't know what to say." I laughed. I was very touched from their gift.

"If I've never met you, I would've never got to see the ocean. Thank you, Cheoki." Armin smiled.

I looked up at everyone with their faces smiling at me.

"Thank you all so much." I choked back my tears and smiled widely.

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