Chapter 4 (Settling In)

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Jack's POV:
After the first period which was maths Kale decided to give me a tour of the school so I knew where everything was. We started at the lunch area, it had many tables and lots of kids. He explained that he sits over in the corner with his other friend Raegan. I got excited knowing that I was going to meet Raegan, the next place we went to was the other classes, like English, French and Spanish as Kale was explaining that we were at the English room Raegan came around the corner and screamed Kale's name, it was hilarious as Raegan ran towards kale I felt a giant smile cross my face, I was happy. Kale introduced me to Raegan and we talked for a while then we continued the tour, we headed towards what looked like the bathrooms and Kale told Raegan to wait outside for us, Kale took me into the bathroom and explained things hoping Raegan would think they were still being tour leaders. As soon as the door closed Kale jumped at me and kissed me, I was in shock I felt my face burning up! I felt loved, for the first time... I kissed him back and after around a minute we stopped kissing and talked, Kale started to say something..
Kale: That was magical!
Jack: I didn't know you liked me that way.. *blushes*
Kale: I don't like you... I Love You...
Jack: holy frack really????
Kale: Yeah babe
Jack: i can't believe th- *faints*
Kale ran to jack as he fell. Kale carried him out of the bathroom with a worried look on his face, Raegan was shocked and they carried jack to the office together, making sure he was going to be okay Kale stayed with Jack while he was unconscious.
When jack woke up it was 2:12 and he had missed a least four classes!
Jack: What happened?! I missed like four classes!
Nurse: you had fainted, but you friend Kale here helped you to the office, which is where you are now.
Jack: thank you Kale, your the best.
Kale: It's alright, anything for you Jack.
Kale's POV:
As Kale and Jack walked to their classes Jack texted Kale saying "I love you too" Kale smiled a cheesy smile as he walked into class, He sat down next to Raegan and Raegan asked if Jack was okay, Kale an Raegan chatted for a while about Jack and then when it got to 3 o'clock Jack meet Kale by the Science Lab, Kale walked Jack home and kissed him goodbye.
Jack's POV:
Jack ran inside blushing when his mom saw him she asked why he was blushing, Jack lied and said it was because he was hot, he ran upstairs and collapsed on his bed staring up at the roof in shock that his idol was now his boyfriend... it got late quickly Jack had dinner, went and brushed his teeth then texted Kale for an hour and fell asleep looking at him favorite photo of Kale.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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