twenty-one ; message

5.5K 405 171


jeon cena:
soooo.. did u enjoy it
hyung? the hangout?

yep, it was good

jeon cena:
yep! i could see u enjoying
it earlier! i'm glad

aha, same never knew i
could be a hangout
personi normally like
my own company

jeon cena:
do u not have many friends

after all, u are a famous writer

u have like 40.7k followers
on ur twitter acc

i have like 2k??? ahaha i envy
ur fame hyung, ur so successful

i don't like interacting
with any of my readers
i don't like tha attention

jeon cena:
why not? i would die just
so i can be in ur spot rn

having so many readers

fame all out

i'm glad i'm friends with
u bc ur so famous + ur one
of the bestfriends i have
hyung i really love uuuu

i'm glad u don't use me
for fame,,, my old friends
did that. i'm actually glad
namjoon didn't give up
on my sad soul hahaha

jeon cena:
why would they do that

well u got us now so

\(   .\ .)

that was a dab btw

oh my gosh


jeon cena:

never mind

jeon cena:
anyway, hyung forget what
they all did to u! u got us now

i, along with namjoon hyung
and seokhin hyung, will always
be here for u coz i love u hyung

awwe kookie thanks

i love u too

jeon cena:


jeon cena:
what did that mean

idk,, what did '😁😘' mean?

jeon cena:
means what it means
i suppose ahaha

ur weird jungkookie

weird kid,, goodnight


jeon cena:


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