13 - "Hey sis, nice machete."

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September 2005

After my graduation in April last year, I hadn't heard from Dean. I was doing my own thing, I'm working, and I'm pretty close to being out of my student debt.

My life has become routine. I wake up early, shower, get ready for work, stop for coffee on my way to my midtown office, answer emails, see three (maybe four) patients, have lunch and a coffee around one, see four patients, type up my notes for the seven (or eight) patients I saw that day, go home, and get stoned or drink a bottle of wine to myself, order Chinese, Thai, pizza, or heat up a frozen meal from Trader Joe's, and fall asleep in bed, with either half a bowl packed, or my bottle of wine next to me.

And nobody ever fucked with my schedule, until somebody decided to break into my apartment at 2 am.

"Dallas! Someone's in the apartment!" Rosie whispers, poking me. I've always been the designated tough guy of our housing situation. I'm not scared of anything, so I'll go out and face a "robber" if needed to.

"I got it." I go under my bed and pick up my machete. Good thing tonight was a weed night, had I been drunk, I'd be going out there with my pillow.

"What the-" I cut her off as I close my door.

I creep into the living room, machete at the ready, when the light flicks on to reveal my idiot brothers.

"Hey sis, nice machete." Ricki smiles.

"I live with people. You scared them." I say, putting the knife on the counter. "And you woke me up. Nobody wakes me up." I put my hands on my hips. "Why are you here?"

"D? Who is it?" Rosie whispers from my bedroom door.

"Rosie, these are my brothers, Ricki and Heath. Rick and Heath, this is Rosie, my roommate for the past eight years."

"Nice to meet you." They all shake hands.

"Dad's missing!" Heath shouts and Ricki massages his temples.

"He hasn't been home for a few days. Not answering calls. Pulling a John Winchester." Ricki concludes and I nod.

"He was on a hunting trip." Heath adds.

"I see." I nod. "Rose, why don't you go back to bed?" I say and she gives me a look and turns to go to her room. "Where was he heading?"

"That's the thing. Him and John just took off in the middle of the night. We were at a motel in Nebraska, and the next morning they were nowhere to be found."

"Dean's getting Sam." Heath says. "We're gonna meet up for a case when we get to the west coast, so get pack-"

"I have a job. You realize that, right? I can't just drop everything to look for dad." I say, cutting him off.

"Dallas, this is important." Ricki says. "You know we wouldn't get you if it wasn't."

"A week." I say. "I could lose my very official standing at my job if I'm gone for longer."

"Your what?"

"I've got a really good job, guys." I shrug and have them follow me to my room. I put on a pair of pants and then grab my duffel bag from under my bed, packing my "hunter" clothes into it. I hope they still fit me. I should probably bring a pantsuit and skirt as well, in case we need to play dress up.

I call my office, and leave a message with my receptionist's phone, telling her that I'm sorry for the last minute notice, but she has the week off, and to have Dr. Prince take over my cases, because he's the one that's been telling me to take some time off.

"Okay. Where are we headed?"

"We're meeting up with the Winchester's in Colorado. They think there's a case there."

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